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Writing a speech on drug law reform

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by purplemudkip, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Hey blades. No, I'm not asking you to do my homework for me. What I am asking for is some ideas for what to talk about when I give a speech about drug law reform. It's not composed yet, I'm still thinking of ideas. So far I have:

    - drug laws harm users more than drugs themselves.
    - un-regulated markets lead to adulteration (ie grit weed and cutting with oregano) and violence.
    - the money spent on the drug war is fiscally unresponsible.

    I know there are a shit load of other reasons to legalize and regulate weed but can't think of any more at the moment. The speech has to be 7 minutes long.

    Michigan has a legalization petition circulating right now. At the end of the speech, I'm gonna say something like "if you know the war on drugs is a failure, and cannabis has no business having criminal penalty attached to it, I have a petition to amend the state constitution which will repeal marijuana prohibition and if you're a registered voter you can sign it during the break."
  2. Is this only on marijuana, or are you going to talk about other drugs too?

    If it is other drugs too then you need to discuss FDA regulation of drugs. I assume you'll talk about the prohibition of alcohol and the illegal alcohol markets and the creation of the mafia paralleling the prohibition of pot. You could bring up the cases of medical benefits, but you would want to keep them specific, and mostly about people who are allergic to painkillers.

    Good luck, mang.
  3. Talk about how the black Market funds organised crime. Prohibition of alcohol gave birth to al Capone and shit. It have them the control, and dangerously strong product was pushed. That's the thing. They talk of the strength of weed. In a regulated Market the control would allow for a control of potency and also I'd cheques to protect kids like with alcohol.

    Weed is proven safer than alcohol. Refer to some studies from granny's list. You aren't criminalised for drinking a beer so it is inhumane to be criminalised for smoking a joint especially as it's safer and alcohol actually kills 1000s. Focus on the hypocrisy.

    Oh and If you wanna be socially responsible and NOT fund organised crime, so you grow, you risk years of prison!! It's all so backward and unjust
  4. Just convince them to make it legal in the UK

  5. Useless post is useless. It needs to be legal everywhere.
  6. You could go into how Cannabis was unjustly made illegal by Harry Anslinger, a man who had a lot to profit off making it illegal. Also look up "Hemp for victory" and read up on Jack Herer and his work.

  7. now why would i care if its legal in other countries, not planning on going on holiday soon lol well it was up to me i would want it legal everywhere but worried about my country is number 1 priority
  8. well something to add is also that if cannabis was regulated young kids would have a helluva harder time smoking then they do these days.
  9. The need for an understanding of the fears and misconceptions of those against drug law reform is the key to engaging them in a productive debate. Many have heard nothing their entire life but the Government mantra "Drugs Are Bad", and are unwilling to even discuss without falling back on this as their defense. All are open to stories of hope and courage; use that as a starting point. Perhaps you could begin with two young children going to bed at night without a kiss by their mother who is in jail for simple possession. How their grandparents have to step in and help raise them and try to explain why Mommy isn't there. Your opportunity to enlighten could be through an emotional connection your audience would feel for the kids. Within the framework of this scenario you could highlight the failings of the judicial system, and put a spotlight on the true victims of the "War On Drugs". You could draw examples of the injustice the system as well as provide empathy from the perspective of the children, their mother and father, their grandparents, and others who would be involved in the arrest, court proceedings, and prison. If you spend too much time crunching numbers trying to explain what an astronomical waste of money all this is, you will lose the human connection that the thought of two kids without Mommy would bring.

  10. Shiit i just wrote one on drug law reform and it was all numbers and statistics. Like how much we spend, how much the black market makes, how many people die from overdose, how many nonviolent users arrested.... but its already giant, should i add some scenerio like this right after my intro, and cut out some bulk of it that doesnt really matter, would that make it a better speech cuz of the emotional connection???

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