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Write a note to your sober self

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Batmanchu, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Dear sober Mitch,

    Thank you for saving those pizza crusts from dinner.

    Even if they're cold, they're good.

    Love, baked you
  2. Omg make this an official thread. Great idea lol
  3. Sober smokey, I don't know when we will see each other again. Good luck and god speed.
    :bongin: :smoking:
  4. Sober self; you were supposed to take out the dog a month ago now it is dead; way to go bitch.
  5. Dear sober self. Go to the damn grocery store I'm starving
  6. sober self,
    that last bowl to "put you over the top" last night was unnecessary. you don't remember it and now you have less weed
  7. Sober self,
  8. I did this before when I'd done sum other shit.. an weed, saved it in a notepad still have it, here it is.......

    "trust me bruh high was 2 worh it
    u throwed niqqqa"
  9. Dear sober self,
    Where am I?
  10. Dear Sober Me,

    Hey, it's you, I mean me, again. Wait, is it you or me? I mean, we're both me, but if I was talking to you as if you we me, but like if you were in now but from the past, how would I address you? Ok, I think I answered that question? Oh, past me, you bang Katy and her tits are as awesome as you think they are, but then she gets a boob reduction, and gets creepy skinny.

    Wait, shit, now I'm playing this thing out in my head. Like, talking to myself.

    OH FUCK, dear Sober self, remember that Netflix has a "Stoner Movie" section. It is located right here:


  11. [quote name='"mrmuffinman"']Omg make this an official thread. Great idea lol[/quote]

    Hmmmm I think they did???

    Note to self

    Make a note later
  12. Hey Sober Andy,

    What up, bruh? I hope you didn't die of starvation. Or dehydration.

  13. Dear sober self, your the same either way.
  14. Dear sober self

    Stop ordering pizza everytime your hungry. Your getting fat. Note to sober self. Clean your room before u smoke. Its alot more comfortable
  15. im sober so imma write to my high self lol


    stop getting high all the god damn time, you need to pass your classes!
  16. Dear Sober self,
    You are now in jail and will not remember what happened..
    Just know.. You'll be out in 60.
    I love you,
    High self
  17. Dear Sober Steve

    Go take a hit god damn it.

    -Stoned Steve

    P.S. remember to let dwarf out after he calms down
  18. Dear sober self
    Don't forget to take the chicken nuggets out of the oven so you can have a good snack.
    God speed,
    stoned self
  19. Dear sober nimblybimbly,
    You left the bowl on the kitchen counter, and your lighters in your room.Im telling you this so you dont spend an hour looking for them, also please stock the fridge with soda / snacks
    Love you dude
    High nimbly bimbly
  20. Dear Sober Stoned Lion,
    Clean up your room, this shit is nasty bro!
    Much Love,
    Stoned Lion, or is it Stoned Stoned Lion?

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