Wow.. this is pretty bad

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by straitsb, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. The night before last, I bought some sinus medication. Well like I do everynight, hang out at my friends and smoke ourselves stupid, play NES or SNES, or smoke more. Well I remember coming home completely fucked up outside my mind. I oped my medicine to take it. Tore the pills off and everything. Wake up in the morning feeling GREAT! No stuffy nose, no sinus migrane, no nothing. It was good. Medicine worked! Right? Wrong. I see this thing in my bed today.. it was the pills that I never took (I checked the package too, they were the only pills missing). I was so high I thought I took the medicine, didn't, woke up thinking I DID take it, and feeling great. That pretty fucking bad :( :eek: :smoking:
  2. lol! a stoners world. and your sinus cold is gone!
  3. hahah, a true stoner.
  4. Stoners and STML........
  5. Sure last night i feel asleep again with the light on in my clothes, god i was wasted and drunk :)
  6. ROFLMAO! That's great man. Stoner mentality at its finest. :D
  7. Wow.. I have 5 xanaxes last night, I had them in a baggy tryng to put them in a bottle, well the baggy kinda flew open, and the pills went everywhere (son of a bitch). I found all but one. This is the first time that I've typed anything all day, and the lost pill was on my keyboard. niiiice :) Oh, another funny ass thing, the first time I took one of these, I went home all fucked you know, the next morning my brother told me he walked by my room about 2 am, my door was open, light and TV were on, and I still had all my clothes, shoes included, still on just sprawled out on my bed. ha.

    Oh, two nights ago I gave my friend one of these pills, later that night, he passed out in his chair, his chin was on his cheast and he was sleeping (ouch!) and he didnt wake up with a hurt neck, just amazing.

    blah, I need a good smoke before I go work on these folks computer.. peace.

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