wow, i really can't deal with this anymore, shits fuckin with me

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by NFloyd2357, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. i've posted about this girl/ex a lot, but i'll brief anyways. we went out for a while, and things sorta just faded since she lives over an hour away and we both work a lot over the summer. We were seeing eachother 3+ times a week and talked every day, and things kinda just slowed. I was pretty upset b/c i really liked her, but i dealt with it and finally got her out of my mind. as soon as i stop thinking about her, she texts me (maybe 3 weeks ago? ish) and asks how i'm doing. she maybe responds once or twice, and then stops texting, i think it was even after a question. w/e, so i start to forget about her again and get her out of my head, and i see on fb she has a b/f now (week ago ish) and that was like a dagger in the heart. we hadn't talked for about 3 weeks now. so i'm tryin/startin to get over that and stop thinking about her, and i was pretty successful, until... she texts me this morning!! wtf?!!!! same deal as last time... "hey how are u," small talk b/s that she stops responding to after a few texts... why are you even bothering texting me?

    so, this is really fucking with me. idk if shes trying to fuck with me, if shes trying to get me back (her bf may be her old ex, not sure, who i didnt hear good things about from her but who knows what the deal is), stay in slight contact to use me as a rebound if something happens, or actually wants to stay in touch... idk what her motives are, and at this point, i really don't care... its just fucking with me hardcore, and then i sit waiting for a response to my last text, and then think about why she texted me, and there she is, taking over my head again, eating at the neurons in my brain... fuck. i hate this bullshit.
  2. Well bro, alot of people are like that these days. Playing games, mind games. To what purpose? I don't really know, and quite frankly don't actually want to know.
    Anyway, I think you should be the one to be straight forward about it all, if she isnt.
    Just ask her plain and simple: Do you have a boyfriend now?
    If she asks why, u tell her you used to like her, etc. etc. see where it goes.
    Don't play along, just straight up ask.

  3. its mutually known she has a b/f now
  4. Dude I used to have a chick exactly like this, she would go months without talking to me/responding to my texts/calls, then when I would pretty much forget about her, get all wrapped up in my own life, bam, she texts me/calls me saying how much she misses me... blah blah blah bullshit. It seems to me like she just kinda keeping contact with you sparingly as a backup dude. If she really wanted to keep in contact with out, don;t you think she'd make a little more effort than a sparse text here and there? I say just stop answering her texts and go on with you life.

  5. Been there and done that. It sucks hard...

    Only thing you can do is stop talking to her completely. No texts, no facebook, no nothing. You must have all ties cut to her in order for you to get over her.

    This one chick I was seeing I was head over heels for but given the situation it wasn't going to work out. I would constantly think about her everyday and do exactly what you're doing.

    Then I realized that it isn't going to get any better and you must do what's best for you in the long run. Don't get me wrong I still think about her but I'm sure as shit 100x better then I was before. It starts to ease out over time but you must cut off all contact in order for this to work.

    It's hard at first but then you realize that these are the steps that you must take to get over someone. You won't stop thinking about her but it will get easier to think about her overtime. By that time you will run into someone who grabs your attention away from her.

    Time heals all wounds...

  6. yea, every single time i think about not responding, and try not to respond, and then i cave. i didn't respond for 2 hours today, but that was probably because her text woke me up, i was tired, it didnt register what the text was/who it was from, and i went back to bed lol. i think she texted me actually to get a feel for what i currently think of her, because i always put my songs up on facebook that i record, and i put one up a few days ago that was heavily written about her - the title was her initials and had the word kill in it, more implying that she was dead to me kind of deal (i guess not:rolleyes::confused:) so i think she may have seen that/caught on and wanted to see how i responded to her... i shulda just said nothing, i knew nothing would come out of it. ugh... i'm outta weed, and damn do i need some... i just got my script of _____ filled though and some whiskey so, yeah, time to throw on a movie and forget about shit for a little while
  7. i really wanna text her and just be like "seriously, why do you randomly text me out of nowhere about nothing??" because its irking me bad. bad idea? it cant hurt, right?
  8. Actually it can hurt if she takes it the wrong way...

  9. yea, i think i'm gonna, i just gotta figure out the best way to word the text. after she responds (or doesn't) i plan on cutting all ties - i just need some closure

  10. ok. I was pretty much in the exact same position.

    This girl I really loved/liked: this thread:

    Ok, well we never talked, text, imed etc for like 3-4 months, my b-day rolls around in may and she texts me happy b-day..and im like ...ok....thanks.... then I go overseas in June, talk to her before she leaves for Air Force academy... she wants to talk and shit but cant one night because of a game or something... shit pissed me off...never got to say goodbye...
  11. You have to move on man. Let her keep texting you all she wants, but in the end she doesn't deserve you after what she's putting you through anyways.

  12. your 100% right... i just wanna know why the fuck she's texting me- i wanna ask her

  13. then ask her bluntly...if you try to wiggle around the issue, she may think of it in a way you are not intending it to be looked at.
  14. not sure what to tell you man but ive been through that EXACT situation twice, and i'm going through my third one now. i even deleted my facebook so i dont have to deal with that shit. i know 110% how you feel and I'm sick of it too man.
  15. Well man, next time she texts you ask her why she's doing it. In my honest opinion you'll get the same response I did from my ex-girlfriend. We went off and on around 5 times for various issues and she would always continue texting me. Even the day we broke up for good and it was obvious that we weren't going to have anything, she texted me. The next day, she even texted me and this was coming from the half of the relationship that apparently had "fallen out of love." She'll probably tell you she either just wanted to talk or she'll get offended and expect you to have known she's just being friendly. Honestly, I'm not sure I would believe either. You probably will never know the true answer to it, that's why I suggested moving on. However, it never hurts to ask. Especially if she does it a third time.
  16. next just send a picture of u doin the mangina that will make her back up
  17. Don't text her about it annoying you. Don't ask her why. Don't give her that satisfaction, as much as not texting may kill you. Girls like to know you're still stuck on them. See what happens when you DON'T respond to her "how are you" texts.

    Then you'll be in control.
  18. DUDE!

    whatever you do, DON'T text her. EVEN if it's just to ask her why she's texting you.

    i seriously have been where you are at-- actually, i seem to be perpetually in the same position with various indecisive, game-playing dudes.

    and although i hardly ever follow my own advice, for the love of GOD, nfloyd... do NOT text her.

    i understand that it is completely shitty but your entire dating life will become more bearable if you will just accept that people want what they can't have. people want to be admired and found attractive and chased. and that's exactly what she's doing...

    she gets the idea that you are over it/her, she starts thinking "wtf, what's wrong me? ooooh, no. IIII get the last word." so she texts you... you text back... she is reassured that you're still interested, therefore feels fleetingly better about herself now that she is back in "control" of the situation.

    just ignore her. move on. chalk it up to her not knowing what she wants or worse, gleaning pleasure from your discomfort. the beauty of it is, you moving on will make her want you more... only by the time she comes crawling back (they won't always come back, but a lot of times-- most times, they do), you will have actually gotten over her.

    game, set, match. please don't text her. you will feel so shitty when you fire off a 'well-thought-out' text message and she doesn't give you the response you want. and i promise... you are not gonna get the response you want.
  19. dude i know exactly how you feel. dont get me wrong, guys have a lot of faults too, but i dont get why girls play mind games like they do. and i love texting, but it really just gives them another way to fuck around with guys minds.
  20. Sounds to me man that all you need is another chick in you're life. Once you have one I doubt you'll give a shit about the old one. It sucks to break up with someone because they move or something trivial like that. But at this point theres nothing you can do but accept the fact its over with her and find love elsewhere. If its meant to be she'll MOVE closer and come find you.

    Talk/text is cheap. Make her show she wants to see you bro :cool:

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