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Wow are you serious?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by littlejord, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Lol 20 years in medicide..... sure[​IMG]
  2. That's.
  3. A lot of dumb people out there.
  4. 20 years? 20 years of medicine?!
  5. Damn stuff like that makes me wonder how evil and self-loathing people are
  6. i guess if you want to believe misguided statistics and flawed experiments
  7. Later that day he/she got struck by lightning.
  8. I'd bet all the money in my pocket, that it's a troll, that most likely smokes a lot. That's blatant sarcasm. Unless we're talking about the question that was asked at first, cuz that's pretty stupid too.
  9. 20 years of medicine.... i think she meant she was a dirty nurse, and took all the patients medicine. that's why that bitch is crazy.
  10. Fuck you Jane M! You little shit!
  11. Yahoo answers is only to be used for laughing.
  12. Jane M... looks almost like full name was mary, jane
  13. thats what i was thinking^
  14. Anyone can say they work in medicine online, doesnt make it true. Maybe it be trollin...
  15. Lol they failed to mention they've been in medical school for 20 years, and still haven't passed
  16. wouldn't it be legal if it puts holes in our brain? Don't huge corporations want to keep us dummied down and think less and just work as mental slaves? What better solution then putting holes in our brain lmao.
  17. Guys, let's go fuck up this Jane M.
  18. Guys that's a troll....their name is Jane M. As in Mary way thats a coincidence.

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