would you wear these?

Discussion in 'General' started by wv dro, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. nooo never haha
  2. On the same day they pick me to go to the moon.
  3. Maybe if I was blind or something.. but at that point I really wouldn't give a shit anymore.
  4. i used to wear shit like that but now im shifting towards comfort shoes

    its all a look, those shows blow ass quality wise
  5. Yeah man, STYLIN!
  6. If it was a comfy fit, then i might show em' off a little bit.
  7. im basin it completey on look.
  8. no, but i might use them to deliver a baby
  9. What the fuck? That shit is wack
  10. Honest answer?? Nope.
  11. If I had something to match it then I would for an event or some shit
  12. Those are tacky as hell.
  13. nope..

    maybe if someone payed me a lot.. then yeah sure
  14. If I got them for free, hell yeah! I have a pair of green Nikes on right now.[​IMG]
  15. Nope, look like shiny baby puke.. :D
  16. Wear em? Sure if they were the closest to me.

    But em? Fuck no.
  17. Probably only when I'm stoned, I could not see me thinking those shoes were cool being sober.
  18. Hell no lol.

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