Would you vote for Colbert?

Discussion in 'General' started by Vicious, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. I think hes something this country could use. For pres or anything. I could see him making a joke on his show about running and it getting serious (like a movie). Hes still young and has tons of political publicity.
  2. Although i think he is hilarious, you gotta keep one thing in mind, he's a comedian... not a politician. There is no way in hell i would voluntarily hand my country over to him, so short answer no, but i will admit, there is worse people to run this country.Cough *Bush* Cough
  3. Colbert Report ..or...State of the Union...hmmmmm. Im abso-fuckin-lutely goin with Colbert

    Colbert 08' !!!! lol
  4. i was pretty disappointed when i saw an interview with stephen colbert of the show and he said the character he plays on his shaw is misinformed about politcs and has bad ideas or something like that:(
  5. no way. i used to think he was alright but since i've gone to college and whatnot...not really entertained by his humor and views anymore
  6. he smokes mad weed
    so yes

  7. If he ran as a democrat I would vote for him, if he ran as an independent I wouldn't.

    Anything is better than having a republican president, but if you vote for an independent you just waste your vote.

  8. :rolleyes: Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin.

    Heads they win, tails we loose.

  9. Dude, he's acting. If you think what he says on his show actually reflect his views then you clearly don't get the joke.

    What does college have to do with it?
  10. i couldn't imagine him taking something suriously
  11. a lot of people take his sarcasm seriously, and if you aren't educated enough to pick out the sarcasm and its meaning it can be pretty bad. i've seen some people say some dumb stuff because of colbert and misinterperetation, and not having one's own opinion. I know he's acting, it's just the way he acts makes it hard for some viewers (i've seen it) to understand the true meaning of the joke. In turn people go around repeating colbert's "opinion." Perhaps i shouldn't have said college, but some knowledge of politics and the issues he discusses would have been what i meant. Once you have knowledge in that you can understand everything crystal clear. I just hate what it does to people who take what he says seriously, and i do partly blame him for that because of how he acts in the show.
  12. prlly not but you know who i would vote for thats just as funny if not funnier in my opinion and has better political views......

    Bill Maher :hello:

  13. Er...
  14. Stephen Colbert is a Catholic. He has announced this NUMEROUS TIMES on talk shows, and has even mentioned that he teaches CCD classes. Are you all so ignorant as to believe everything you see on TV? For shame. Learn how to research.

    People who get their news from Comedy Central's News Hour are just as blind as the people who get their news from CNN and Fox.
  15. Haha, if anyone takes the views presented on The Colbert Report seriously they've got some problems

    Yeah, the audience is really going wild for a talk show host whose political philosophy makes Sean Hannity look like a bleeding heart liberal

  16. In my opinion that's only half true. Yes politicions are all corrupt, some more than others.

    Democrats seem to be less corrupt a whole, and I like the things they stand for. A very short way to put it is, democrats want the nation to be more like a democracy and republicans want it to be more communist.

    Democrats are more likely to legalize marijuana, Republicans are pro making themselves money at the expensive of their country.

  17. You are so wrong.

    For one thing, the Democrats barely have a platform to stand for. Just recently have they gotten their act together about having one stance on Iraq, and other than social security and health care, don't have much to say about anything else.

    Even though a Democrat may seem more likely to legalize the herb, it all boils down to ties with the Tobacco, Lumber, Alcohol, and Pharmaceutical industries. A Green Party or a Libertarian in office is our best chance for full-decriminalization (fuck legalization for reasons I don't feel like getting into).

    And as for your Republicans wanting Communism...

    Republicans HATE Communists. You probably meant to say "Fascism" but missed by a complete political spectrum. You'll get that joke eventually. In Communism, the government has complete control over businesses, farms, ALL profitable origanizations. Believe it or not, Republicans actually favor States' Rights as opposed to Federal Rights, preaching the very opposite of Communism.
  18. Stewart and Colbert both have very good political ideas, thus i would vote for either. I could see either of them having the potential to actually do the job, though im' not sure they would want it

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