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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by NuBBiN, Aug 25, 2002.

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  1. HAHA flowerchild I know how you feel!! I remember when my friend just got his trampoline for xmas when we were younger and I was the one in the middle...I got bounced right off the damn thing and landed on my backa nd got the wind knocke out o me...it didn\'t help having all my friends laughing their asses off at me while I was panicking thinking I wasnt going to ever be able to breath a single breath of air ever again in my soon to be short lived life....
  2. good for you normsy poo...its nice to hear a post by you that doesnt begin with HEY GUYS I WAS POOPING AND....
  3. i was doing flips on a trampoline and i flipped off of it, but unlike you uncoordinated fools i caught myself and caused no harm to myself....TRAMPOLIIIINE RHYMES WITH CREOTIIIIINE
  4. I am uncoordinated!!!!!!! LOL. I\'ve tried and tried to drive a standard and never could learn. Damn those stick shift automobiles. Plus, I have a hard time chewing gum and walking. I seem to always trip over something and its usually my own feet.
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