Would you rather be Batman or Iron Man?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 2313, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. You get to choose either Batman or Iron Man's abilities and life style (houses, money, cars, girls ect,), who would you pick and why?

    I'd personally go with Iron Man because the suits are dope and you are a genius that continuously upgrade and change the suit. I would get matte black and polished silver suit haha would be so sick
  2. I'd rather be Iron Man because that suit is sexy as hell. I'd literally just walk around the house with it forever.
    Plus Tony Stark is kind of a boss.
  3. Hahaha thats classic
  4. Iron Man for sure, just imagine being able to fly everywhere and have crazy weapons and stuff. 
  5. Haha right! Idk though cuz Batman is mad rich and can figt without his suit. If anyone catches you outta your suit when you're Iron Man you could get fucked up haha

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