would you play russian roulette.....

Discussion in 'General' started by HighHaze, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. with a single chamber gun?
  2. If I was 2nd
  3. nah id have to pass on that

  4. Only if I were really serious about suicide.
  5. I think I'll take a rain check...

    There was a thing on the news just a few weeks ago, some kid killed himself playing russian roulette...... SERIOUSLY?! Why the fuck would you play?

  6. hahaha yeah, if I was second I´d do it too.
  7. Whats the advantage of playing?
  8. getting out of this fake ass world.

    i'd have to pass on it though
  9. haha good answer
    too late :-/
    under the right conditions, i probably would
    haha truth
  10. Everyone has a price
  11. It isn't really playing if the outcome is certain.
  12. so your asking who wants to play suicide?
  13. hell yeah
  14. Tis the human world and its paradigms that can be regarded as fake. There is plenty more and plenty beyond. If it is unfit for you, change it. If you do not want to, disregard it and take joy in that which is untouched by it.

    Humans are but one species of animal on this earth.

  15. just take the blue pill instead of the red :p
  16. +rep for an insightful response
  17. probably not.

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