Would you be willing to wager on God's existence?

Discussion in 'General' started by married2mj, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. But everything gets boring in the end which turns into annoyance which turns into insanity, There is not enough things to keep someone happy for eternity.

    After enough time would anything not be like hell?
  2. Depends on what the thing is that I am doing repeatedly for eternity. I could see myself smoke weed forever and never get tired of it.
  3. Good fucking point. I could accept my tolerance being wiped to 0 constantly, Therefore I could get high like I got the very first time. But with all my knowledge and the dankest bud in the universe.

    Also you could not die and nothing would be addictive. Maybe I would just take lots of drugs for the eternity...lol
  4. I don't make bets on unpredictable outcomes.
  5. yea id bet the bank
  6. I think hitler runs hell now.
  7. Would you be willing to wager on Santa's existence? It's just as likely as God's...same with the Easter Bunny and the fucking Tooth Fairy.

    Can't prove that they don't exist, can't prove that they do. I'd say it's extremely unlikely since there are hundreds of made up God's for all sorts of made up Religions.
  8. #28 Herb Pheonix, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2011
    I'd take option C...

    Lol I would've dipped out the second the oracle told me I could die if I got it wrong.

    EDIT: I like the idea that when you die you come back as a different creature.. What if you came back as like.. An alien? o_O

    Like universal soul recycling :p
  9. I honestly don't care, I don't believe in god.

    No need to wager.

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