I just saw this and wondered if i could put it over my exhaust fans to stop the smell? Aquarium Filter Carbon Biochemical Large Sponge*2-AR94 on eBay (end time 19-Sep-09 21:17:01 BST)
I don't think this would be as effective as passing the air through say half an inch of carbon pellets, obviously they have more density. Having said that if you can roll this up into a cylinder shape and you pass the air through it lengthways down the exhaust vent then it would certainly remove some % of odour. I mean kinda like this: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ >>>>> Air exhaust>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get me?
It night work for 1 or 2 plants. Put it in a coffee can with both ends cut off and hook a fan to it. Then just place it in the room with the plants and let it recycle the air.