Would This Be Considered RO Water?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kannabuzz, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. When it comes to what type of water you should be watering your plants with I've read many suggest RO water was the way to go. I spent a lot of time looking where I could purchase RO water and even looked into purchasing a filter because I couldn't find it anywhere.

    Long story short, I was looking at at one of my water bottles and I found it says "Purified by Reverse Osmosis" (See attached pic) Is this it? Is this the RO water I've been so desperately looking for? 1458017828178.jpg

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  2. Yes, it called RO = Reverse Osmosis = demineralize or deionize water.
  3. Got it. Thanks!

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