Would i be able to buy this for...

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by 420 Man, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. #1 420 Man, Feb 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2010
  2. As long as the bong has a GonG joint the same size...which it doesnt say in the product description and i cant really tell from the pic.
  3. theyre both 14.5 mm

    its confusing me cause it says, for use with magic glass bongs...

    and i dont have a magic glass bong :p
  4. Well as long as the joints are the same they should fit right, tho sometimes different companys have little differences in the way they make them, so it might not be a perfect fit.
  5. hmmm, fuck this is a pickle :confused:

    imma look into it maybe someone else has a thing to say?

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