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Worth it to buy a detox drink?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by FatSesh92, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. So I went to a Job interview at goodwill today. To my surprise, the manager said there is a pre employment drug test upon being offered the position. I smoke weed everyday, and am not planning on stopping considering I'm gonna have to cheat the test anyways. Do you guys think it would be worth it to buy a detox drink, or just do the ole dilution method? If so then are there any particular drinks you'd recommend? I'm not gonna spend money on one of those unless I know for sure that it'll work
  2. I herd from a few friends that a few worked. I do not remember the name but he said something about it being around like 30 - 40 bucks though. I also need to get a job soon. I don't know weather to buy one either. Still deciding.
  3. They dont work at all google it
  4. waste of money. stop smoking
  5. only way you will pass is if you buy the fake piss with the warmer.....even works for urinalysis
  6. I'm not going to stop smoking because I don't NEED the job and if I don't get it because I smoke weed then oh well. The fake piss sounds interesting where could I obtain that?

  7. any of your local head shops should have it, I bought the cheapest brand and it worked for me for a job that I needed a security clearance and urinalysis lol its the best thing ever:smoking:
  8. Quick fix. Google it
  9. Hahaha your profile pic is sirsmokesalot XD love half baked
  10. No. They don't work.
  11. if you really need that job, you should probably stop smoking and start exercising
  12. Quick fix, google it...then order it, it works I have used it before, use masking tape and tie it to your leg with a hand warmer

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