I went on vacation with my family and brought an eighth with me to blaze wit ma sis and cousin We get down here and i blaze up a bowl in the bathrrooom of some cali shizzz Im baked and walk out and my lil cuz (totally antipot) says at the top of his lungs R u high?!?!?!? I say no and the little fucker went and told my dad My dad ripped apart my stuff and found my grinder bowl and stash He flushed the goodies and threw the bowl off the balcony Now im here for a week with no bud and a bunch of ppl who think ima stoner Its all good tho cuz i blew up my moms spot cuz she burns too but now its like family feud Im so pissed
lol, i got high on vacation, my aunt says, to my mom, he looks high and my moms says, he probably is the little fucker, always finds a way to smoke lol they dont care also, next time, lern2stealth. ive literally smoked on 20+ vacations with my ENTIRE family for years, NEVER been seen taking one hit or my shit found. bathrooms= NO! outside bro, you go for a walk or go outside when everyones sleeping, or go outside when everyone is watching a movie and hide toke up and hide your shit lol. also next time, have a better hiding spot, find somewhere totally retarded and in all different spots.
Teach that little rat fucking bastard a lesson. Personally I would set his hair on fire while he sleeps but if that is too intense for you just draw a mustache on him with permanent marker or something lol.
Its actually quite funny My dad is always drunk on vacation and goin to the beach high is like heaven on earth
Your on vacation and can't go outside to smoke a bowl? I went down to muskeegon heights and I had to walk two hundred feet to find a park full of ghetto stoners, it was a park full of people smoking herb, nothing else
yeah man its been said on this thread but you should take up smoking outdoors or in your car. One of my favorite things is getting a good hotbox going in my car. But then again my mom doesn't care that I smoke.
Op you should have went outside to smoke. Your cousin is snitch though, you should put his fingers in cold water while he sleeps so he can wet the bed.
Wow you sound like my little brother, he gets in trouble for something then tells on me that I do it too, not cool. Outdoors works wonders when toking btw.