Worst Night of My Life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dr.Snap, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Last night at around 8:30 i get a text from my friend (lets call him smith) who says there is going to be a party with two kegs and asked if im down to roll through with him. Of course I say yes and sure enough we meet up and after eating a bit we head up to the party.

    We find the party easy enough (its about 9:30) but when we go inside its like the biggest cock fest of my life and low-key gay because its a bunch of dudes getting shitfaced. At this point smith wants to dip so we can just blaze or something, but i want to get drunk and we decide to stay (WORST FUCKING DECISION EVER) so at about 10:00 the ladies start to come along with alot of people from my school so im feeling better at about staying. By this point ive already blazed about a gram and have already drank 4 cups of beer (this is the popint were i should have stopped).

    So im in the backyard finishing my second game of beer pong when this guy comes up with the biggest bottle of jack daniels ive ever seen i ask him for some and within the next ten minutes i have drank a full cup of whiskey. then some girl says she is going to the store for liquor i give here 5bucks and ask for a bottle of rum.

    Its about 11:00 when i take my first sip of Bacardi and after that i have no idea what happened all i know is my friend was yelling at me we went to his car were i threw up on myself twice. I remember him yelling at me about how stupid i am and that he never wants to kick it agian then i remember coming home my parents bieng super nice to me and going to bed.

    This morning i wake up with a skinned elbow a bloody lip and my phone is gone my mom just is happy im alive and my dad just talked to me about how stupid i was i tried to call my friend and ask wat happened but he wouldnt answer.

    It turns out i got home at 3am covered in throwup (ruined my brand new white vans) and my parents made me take a shower then i came out naked and went to bed.

    I woke up this morning with the worst head ache ever i just stopped throwing up like 2hours ago im pissed that i couldnt control myself but i guess im lucky because i told my parents it was my first time doing any type of drug and i smoked all my bud and lost my lighter so there was no bud evidence.

    Sorry to depress you with my sob story but i needed to vent:(

    List of intoxicating substaces:
    10-14 plastic red cups of beer
    1 plastic red cup of jack daniels
    3-5 plastic red cups of bacardi
    1-2grams of weed through a bong
  2. Reminds me of new years when I projectile vomited through my hands. :D
  3. Beer before liquor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

    Weed instead of alcohol, you have nothing to fear.
  4. did you ever find out what you did to make your friend not want to chill with you anymore
  5. Yo snap, sorry to hear about that. Everyone has their bad drinking nights. I remember

    one party where I started drinking but don't remember anything after that. My friend who

    was supposed to designated drive for us dipped out, and my drunk friend tried to drive

    home with me in the passenger seat. We woke up 25 miles from home in a high school

    parking lot. And my battery was dead! :mad: Thank god for AAA tho. And to top that off,

    the shirt I was wearing the night before was no where to be found, and I was told that I

    puked all over myself and some girl I didnt know cleaned me up LOL :eek:

    Wish I was baked so I could read it again haha, just picturing it :smoking:
  6. How about puking on himself?
  7. if his friend didnt ever want to chill with him again its probably for something a little more serious then throwing up on himself.
  8. how did you get all bloodied up?
  9. Yeah, I usually stop chilling with people all-together because they threw up.

    How dare they, ya know?
  10. Cheer up man.. We all have the horribly drunken nights that we can't remember....

    It's the worst feeling in the world when you wake up and can't remember what happened...

    No worries though, people will forget it or experience their own extremely drunk night and laugh and forget... Cycle of life my friend.

    PS: U better be thankful I wrote this damn post because my joint just went out... :smoke:
  11. So i called my friend and what ended up happening is i had fallen down some stairs thats why we left because i was all limping and stuff then he was mad at me cause i threw up in the car

    but supposedly i hooked up but its gey cause i dont remember
  12. and thanks for everyone who posted +rep for cheering me up

  13. Hopefully he isn't really going to never kick it with you again because of that. I mean, I'd be kinda blown that you threw up on my car too, but it's not that big of a deal.
  14. HAHAHa!! thats what you get for wearing Vans.....

    but seriously, that reminded me of this time I was at a party with my friend and he was telling this really cool story, and in the middle of his sentence he just leaned to the side and puked....

    Then he continued the story.
  15. Do you guys not read? He clearly said that after he threw up on himself TWICE, his friend started yelling at him and said he didn't want to hang out with him.

  16. The incident could have happened completely before that though. We had no time-table, due to the blackout. We read fine, you assume things when you read.
  17. I would bet that the friend was drunk and was saying things he didn't really mean at the time. You don't sever ties with people based on intoxicated mistakes; they just get harrassed and verbally abused for the night! (Think of the dude who spills the bong water on the couch, or better yet, the newbie who blows INTO the bong)
  18. Hey man, it could be a lot worse. You're still in once piece, sounds like your parents aren't mad, and most of all...you're alive. That much alcohol is enough to kill a person, or atleast send them to the hospital for a stomach pumping. Live and learn. We've all made our mistakes.
  19. Yeah so my friend isnt mad at me anymore but he still wont tell me the details of the night just that i was being dumb and threw up alot my parents arent mad at me they just think i made a stupid decision
    they were more angry at me because i lost my phone and they couldnt contact me
    in hind sight im pretty lucky i didnt do something terrible but damn that hangover was the worst thing ever

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