...worst luck.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by puffpuffpass714, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. #1 puffpuffpass714, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012
    WTF. so i thought i finally found a girl who was cool and at least half as weird as i am. All her friends liked me and shit, like 2 of them said they would date me or at least along those lines. I mean thls girl was perfect lol she smoked too which was a definite plus, even if i caught not inhaling a couple times.:rolleyes:. but we break up quickly for some dumb reason, but still hang out the next day and shit and we hooked up that night. now shes back w. her ex. THE NEXT DAY like wtf is that.

    and i mean i liked the girl enough to date her because i thought we were so alike. But the sex wasn't good enough to be friends w. benefits and knowing some other guys making it looser than it already was lmao, which is weird (her being loose) 'cuz she wasnt very knowledgeable lmaoo. she said shes slept w. a few guys but they must of been early cummers' or something
    'cuz she didn't know how to do anything.. lol. idk sex wasn't a huge deal though.

    haha after writing that it sounds like we should of just been friends, but i don't like having girl friends(the bad kind), lmao. I always gain feelings and they date someone else. EVERY TIME. plus i feel girls become unbearably annoying when they realize they don
    t have to impress you any more.

    idk any suggestions i guess? like, girls are there things you say to or try and show a guy to let him know you just want to keep hooking up? its not like it was a one night stand or anything, we hooked up daily for a couple weeks lol.

    cliff notes:

    98% of girls are sluts, i inevitably find girls in this percentile
  2. I know the feeling...seems like every girl thats ever been attracted to me is a slut and either A) Had a bf while trying to talk to me or B) left me and hooked up with another guy ASAP.
  3. Damnn I feel youu bro, some girls really don't know how slutty they act. But how about next time jjust try and not catch feelings for a girl so quick
    Fucks yo mind upp
    Good luck :smoke:
  4. I say look for new chicks since the ones you find aren't good.

  5. yea... this sounds like what a lot of guys do to girls.

    double standards?

  6. girls say this all the time, but i've never actually met a guy like this., guys tend to be confrontational while girls tend to be secretively manipulative. As a guy, if i have intentions of being w. u for a while i'l tell you. while at the same time if i just wanna hookd up... ill fucking tell you, so you dont get feelings either lol. like why cant girls just respect people other than themselves.

    on a side note i probably wouldnt have been this pissed had she not complained the intire time we hungout that she was nervous about me getting back with an ex i dated IN FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL,

    that right there should have been a red flag that she knew shed get back w. her ex had he popped the question..
  7. If guys get to be sluts, so do chicks. More guys get laid that way, so what is wrong with that? xD

  8. WRONG!

    They are always annoying!
  9. true but something about knowing your penis will be inside of them makes it a little better. lmao.

    but on a serious note, they tend to be more manipulative, less caring etc. and well im not lookin for some half ass relationship.
  10. [quote name='"puffpuffpass714"']

    girls say this all the time, but i've never actually met a guy like this., guys tend to be confrontational while girls tend to be secretively manipulative. As a guy, if i have intentions of being w. u for a while i'l tell you. while at the same time if i just wanna hookd up... ill fucking tell you, so you dont get feelings either lol. like why cant girls just respect people other than themselves.

    Fuck that, I have known many guys who played those chick games. Why? because all they care about is pussy and when they know the way to get it is by making them think they could have a relationship so he can dip his dipstick, then he bounces and wonders why she's acting psycho

    I'll never understand why either sex makes the decisions they do.
  11. Guys can be sluts too.
  12. ^^ if a girl complains about a certain subject, id expect her to act in situations with respect to her own opinions. Im not mad no more: girls rediculous, i just felt played.
  13. Would you fuck me?

    I'd fuck me.
  14. [quote name='"GirlyS"']

    Fuck that, I have known many guys who played those chick games. Why? because all they care about is pussy and when they know the way to get it is by making them think they could have a relationship so he can dip his dipstick, then he bounces and wonders why she's acting psycho

    I'll never understand why either sex makes the decisions they do.[/quote]

    Exactly.im a Guy.everyone plays games.it sucks but that's life

  15. I'd fuck you.
  16. [quote name='"JamestheFreak"']

    I'd fuck you.[/quote]

    And disregard your plan to be the world's oldest virgin?
  17. Gay sex doesn't count. :ey:

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