Worst day of my life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by NewTokes, May 16, 2008.

  1. About 10 minutes into my work at the zoo we get a call on the radio, one of the workers needed us all down in a different section of the zoo. We all go running get there, and see the mother miniature donkey on the ground and about half a baby sticking out. We were happy at first, till she told us it was dead since we've been waiting a year for it. We go on to try and get the rest of the baby out, unfortunately we couldn't, after 2 hours of pulling, pushing, and reaching in and moving the baby around we couldn't get it out. Almost everyone had a few tears roll down their cheek at this point, we thought we were gonna loose the mother. The vet was on the way, so we stopped for a few minutes till the vet came, (small zoo nothing big) the vet came, and tried to maneuver the baby around and get it out for another hour. She figured the donkey was in labor since midnight, so it was nearing 12 hours of having the baby donkey half out of it. She was losing energy and we thought she was going to die too (almost all the keepers favorite animal is the miniature donkeys, because they are so friendly and fun). The vet finally decides we have to cut the baby out of the mother, first she puts the wire (use a wire like a saw) into the mother, and goes between the two legs and saws, to cut the legs apart, than pulls it out, and saws the front half off the back half... (we've already broken nearly every bone in the baby from pulling it). So now she reaches in and has to get the other two legs out... The baby is in many pieces at this point, and its just a mess... Finally after around 4 hours we get the baby out. There was more trauma in between I didn't mention but thats okay. Now we look at the mother she is all cut up and bleeding, so now she is at risk of dieing from infection, so we have to give her meds and stuff in hope she doesn't die.

    I go out to start my cleaning, and a goat rips its horn off, blood is going everywhere its a mess again...

    So yeah pretty bad day I must say, defiantly not fun. But thats what I get for working at a zoo I suppose

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