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Words for being high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by j420j420, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. So like what words do u use for being high in ur area that most people wouldn't use
    For me:Skeeted
    slump diesel(when u start getting really tired from ur high)

  2. #2 420Stitches, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    Ripped, faded (I don't like using this but plenty of fucktards in my area use it, no offense to guys here that use it but the people here really are fucktards), butt-fucked (Started as a joke, but quickly turned into a serious term for being baked as fuck lol), and raped (Not really like "Dude, I'm raped" rofl, but more like "This weed is totally raping me" xD). We also use fried once in a blue moon. These aren't the most typical words we use, but you asked for words that most people wouldn't use haha.
  3. Lol I was smoking with this girl one time and she kept telling me I was "stoned to the bone." It was so stupid that it was the funniest thing to me.Corny, but that's why it's funny. Plus whenever I smoke with someone and say it, it causes a good laugh haha. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Where I'm from we say toasted, blazed, cooked, fried, baked, stoned, and blasted. That's all I can remember right now but there's a bunch more.
  5. on one,blazed, a 10, ripped
  6. Bamboozled and flabbergasted
  7. well when you're tired after here we call that being burnt out or just burnt
  8. I'd describe myself as nicely chonged right now. After I've finished smoking this next, I'll be flying. 
  9. From where I'm from there's a bunch of terms. I didn't realize how different the terms were in other areas. Some words we use are:-Blazed-Lit-Smacked-RippedMost people just say "Damn, I'm smacked."Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. My buddy and I say we're "small." It's an inside joke between us.
  11. Really. Weird.

    Only one skeet I know of lol
  12. high, baked, fucked up, and la la land
  13. yeah lol I have no idea how that became a thing but tons of people say it here lol
  14. Baked.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  15. "friendly" 
  16. Bliggityed, blowed, blowed up
  17. #20 Jingo Dookstain, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    Lol all these stupid words.
    I can't wait to see what my children's generation will be substituting words with. That'll be interesting as hell.

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