Wondering about other drugs

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by G4Grassdetta, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. I realize that discussion is against the rules.

    but if one is vague and is simply mentioning in order to advance a thread...is this against the rules?

    I'm a little confused, as I see plenty of threads talk about trippy experiences and they aren't talking about the mild hallucinogenic properties of cannabis.

    So if you talk about doing "another substance" in a vague way...is that against the rules?

    I see threads discussing other drugs get deleted...but not vague references. so is this okay?
  2. If you hint at em you're flirting with a warning/infraction
  3. The mods are busy as chit and can't read every post. If a post gets reported that has hints, then actions will be taken. :smoke:
  4. k well thanks...sure wish there was a decent forum for other stuff that isn't riddled with SWIM garbage.
  5. We have to have a zero tolerance policy on other drug discussion. Many people try to use loop holes and use phrases such as 'unmentionables'. This is still discussion of other drugs. Your best bet is to read the forum guidelines and do not mention or engage in conversations about other drugs.

    We had to stop all discussions. There are no loop holes or codes that can be used.
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