Hey everyone. We posted pics of our first grow when they started budding about 3 weeks ago. Posting their journal once I get home from work and get she pics snapped of them. This thread however is for our second cycle that we started a little before our first cycle hit the flowering room. They are currently almost 7 weeks old and have been in soil for 5 weeks. We have 7 plants growing again (seems to be our lucky number lol.) Each post after this main post will have pictures of one plant with pics from 3 weeks ago and then some pictures from last night (8/11/11). Hope you guys like!
Tis plant here is our favorite strain to grow so far. It's called double diesel. This is the second of the strain that we have, the first being in our first cycle and currently flowering. Pics included are: 1 from 3 weeks ago, 1 from last night before we tied her down some More and then one from after the tie downs we gave her last night.
This is the third of our double diesel strain. Included are the same type of pictures as were in the double diesel b post.
This is the third of the elephant plants that we're growing. Hoping that it turns out as good as it supposedly should be. The plants look great, but seem to be the most sensitive toward our nutrients out of all of our plants. Pictures include: one from 3 weeks ago, one from last night before ties and one from after the ties.
This is the fourth elephant that we're growing. We have 3 elephant plants this cycle, so there will be one more to post after this one. Only two pictures in this post because there were no tie downs needed for this plant last night.
This is our fifth elephant plant we're growing. Last elephant plant in this cycle. No tie downs were needed for this girl last night either so only two pics for this post as well.
This is the third of the strain romulan that we're growing. The other two are in our first cycle. This plant has some minor strain to some of its branches so we couldn't so any tie downs last night. We have it propped up against the wall in our veg room to give te branch more support. Again, no tie downs so only two pics.
This is the last plant of our second cycle. Had plenty of tie downs to do on her last night so there will be three pics attached to this posting. This is the third strawberry haze plant that we're growing.
Here's pics of the entire group of plants in our second cycle. Pics included: one from 3 weeks ago, 2 from pre-ties and three from post-ties.