Women: You Are So Fucking Irritating.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by flapflip, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. I never understand this, when women act crazy you just leave them. Theres better ones out there.
  2. you can't blame them.

    they have feelings n' shit
  3. If you tell someone to leave you alone, its your own fucking fault. If you don't want someone to leave you alone but you just need a breather, tell them that. If you are in a really bad mood and don't want to end up being a bitch to your bf, say so.. These things have prevented many a situation from becoming a disaster for me. Your gf sounds like she needs to grow up a little bit. LIke the other person said, sounds like girl, not a woman.
  4. I mean I have noticed that a common female problem seems to be misdirecting anger...often towards anyone that'll simply approach them...though, in my experience as they "grow up" this becomes less of a thing. Even my wife used to do that (not NEARLY to the extent described here) and at a point I just called her on it, said it was bullshit that's going to cause fights so I'd rather it didn't persist.
    I even walked away a few times when things started to go that way.
    ...and it stopped.
    Maybe because she grew up (Last time she acted like that was...maybe 19?) or maybe because I stated my case in as respectful a manner as I could.

    Though if it's persistent and shows no sign of improvement even with civil conversation, then it's probably time to accept that this chick is not mature enough for a serious relationship.
  5. Yeah that part wasn't directed at anyone here, I was just saying what I've seen girls do with the 'it's just who I am' defense. That negative experience with it does cloud my objectivity a bit, I'll admit. I've definitely had some shit luck haha. Almost makes me lose faith in girls but I know that there are decent ones out there... there must be.
  6. I just ended a relationship because I couldn't control my temper. It wasn't fair to him for us to stay together and me fly off the handle all the time and upset him because of my own anger issues. It ended amicably, and it was what was best for the both of us. We're going to try and stay close despite being broken up, but we'll see how it goes. Its basically up to him if he's comfortable with it. If he decides otherwise, well then I'll have to respect his decision.
  7. WTF did I just read?
  8. [quote name='"HardToker:)"']

    WTF did I just read?[/quote]

    Tis a trap
  9. Girls are weird

  10. I don't understand why you need to defend yourself over an obvious generalization.There's no point. It' a given that it could be turned around on men. But, it doesn't solve the OPs specific problem which is highlighted.
  11. #92 GreenRangerFOH, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    he knows the contrast...but it still doesn't solve the problem with HIS specific girl...I'm just sayin...
  12. slap her tits

  13. Actually, there is a point. It's justification and the need to refute fallacious broad generalizations. I mean, if I were to say something similar about any group of people, then other people would feel the need to come and correct my ignorance. Threads aren't only meant to help other people solve their problems, they are places where you can voice your opinion and that's all people are doing, so another point is to voice their opinion. Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it unjustified. :confused_2:
  14. Dude just grow a fucking pair and call her out on her bullshit. Let her know you won't put up with her bitch behavior. Chances are, she'll respect you for doing it. But if she doesn't and still acts like a bitch, dump her ASAP.
  15. We broke up.
  16. [quote name='"flapflip"']We broke up.[/quote]


    Bong rip to your freedom
  17. As much as a bitch as she was, I miss her more than anything
  18. Fuck that dude that bitch was a succubus draining the light from your soul.


    Let's go party and explore the vast sea of untapped pussy territory beckoning your name.
  19. fuck yeah smokey.

    OP, you can change how she deals with issues like this. Guys do this exact same thing, it is not a sex-driven characteristic. Its generally pretty easy, if she seems irritated, ask her whats wrong. If she says "nothing :mad:!" or a similar retort, just say "oh, well okay I thought something was wrong. If you want to talk to me about anything, feel free, otherwise I'll give you your space".

    This is a solid use of psychology because it takes the power of the situation out of her hands and requires her to make the next move. People do the whole "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS DICKHOLE" thing as a form of drama for attention. If you do not feed this drama, she either has to talk to you about whats bothering her (which is good) or do nothing (not what she wants to do).

    Getting past that dysfunctional conflict/resolution thing opens up many doors in communication between partners

    edit: i just read that you guys broke up, hope it goes well for all involved!

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