women bitching about the toilet seat, seriously girls

Discussion in 'General' started by kbubb91, May 23, 2011.

  1. why is it that womens top 5 complaint about guys is about leaving the toilet seat up but you never hear guys bitch that we have to pick it up all the time. next time i hear a chick bitch about that im just gonna say DERP DERPIDY DERP DERP DERP and give them a good derp face.
    then if she does it again im going to be fine, ill lift up the toilet seat if you make me a sandwich. :D seriously they find the smallest things to bitch about. or 3rd option ill just leave it down and if i accidently sprinkle on it ill leave it there and be like why didnt you lift the seat when YOU were done.
    i feel better now.:smoke: guys tell me what women nag on you about.
  2. About not being with them 24/7.
  3. #3 spudman78, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022

  4. No, that's never happened to me. I'm aware of my surroundings, especially when it comes to taking a shit.

    I agree 100% with OP, it never made sense to me. Women clean the toilets anyway, they can't handle touching the seat?
  5. Word dumbest shit to complain about ever, but when you live with a person you focus on minor details not big picture stuff most of the time....sucks that we are programmed to think that way (not by god I mean just DNA coding lol)
  6. Yea...never happened to me either, I mean if I'm going to sit down I'm going to look where I'm sitting first, toilet, chair, doesn't matter. If you fall in because you didn't look that's your fault, haha.
  7. If your falling in the toilet your dumb.
  8. thats like falling for sitting on a tac in school, no one falls for it anymore, just like i look where i sit before i plop my butt down. i look at the toilet seat then i unbutton my pants unzip inspect it one last time then sit down.

  9. a friend of mine did this once after me ... sadly for them we had just blazed a few bowls and i had forgotten to flush :hello:
  10. Guys seriously have no right to complain about bathrooms. You have never witnesses the nastiness that is public womens restrooms.
  11. i loled but no matter how baked i am i still look
  12. uh yeah i have, who do you think has to clean them up in mcdonalds.
  13. I figure it's a compromise to just always close the lid on the toilet if a girl wishes the seat to be down. That way it's just as much inconvenience to lift up the lid to sit down as it is to pick up a seat to take a pee. Win win
  14. and also im talking about home, how hard is it to take a finger and push it down
  15. Sorry, I wasn't aware McDonalds only hires males. :p
    If putting the seat down is so much to deal with, try dealing with using womens public restrooms. Women are far worse than men about peeing all over everything.
  16. How hard is it to take a finger and pull it up? If someone opens a bag of chips, they're expected to close it when they're done with it too. If they know a way to eat the chips out of the bag without opening it, then, well I guess they don't have anything to close. Here's an idea, try sitting to pee from now on, then you won't have to complain about it.

  17. Lifting is far more work than putting down. Gravity does all the work for you and women still complain.

  18. Really? Wouldn't have guessed. Woman are usually a bit cleaner, and they fucking sit down to pee. How do they miss :smoke:
  19. haha this is the one thing ive never bitched about

    the man should be doing bitching
  20. It's not really fair, when you think about it. Men are expected to put down the toilet seat for women, yet women aren't expected to lift up the toilet seat for men. Sexist, no?

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