here's a typical wiz line, in fact i wouldnt be surprised if it was in one of his songs. "man i got a lot of clothes, and my bitch she a fine ho" holy fuck we know you smoke 50 joints a day with no blunts, your music is soft and gay. listen to "teach u 2 fly" and tell me that isn't a blatant pop song right up there with "OMG" by usher. audiences of wiz khalifa: 1) people who don't smoke but want people to think they do so they listen to wiz 2) most girls who smoke and want attention 3) boys who like pop such as Usher, Akon, etc 4) people who name ANY song with a reference to weed a "dope smoking song" COMMON ARGUMENTS: Wiz Supporter: Wiz's songs are chill, that's why I like them. Me: There are thousands of chill songs out there. I don't need the abysmal, elementary lyrics to go with them.
You know I wouldnt go that far homie.....however he has his moments...but I prefer Devin The Dude to all weed smoking rappers.....imo
He's honestly not that bad, I will admit that his radio songs are shit, but I do like some of his other stuff.
This, not ALL of it is bad just some. There's some genuinely good Wiz songs...I'm not even a huge fan but I like 1 or 2 songs by him
I've never really heard any of his music, but I sure get sick of seeing so much posts being made about him everyday.
1. Teach You To Fly is a baller ass song. 2. You are mad Let me inform you.. Population of wiz fans 1. Listened since Prince of the city I and II. (about 5%) 2. Faggy kids who act gangster and "smoke dank nuggets" "all" day. (35 %) 3. Faggy kids who act gangster and "smoke dank nuggets" "all" day but only started listening to him after he released Kush and Orange Juice. (60%) P.S. all his shit is good.
Alright kid, they sold out of Wiz tickets before you bought one didn't they? Mac Miller is better anyways
I never heard of the guy except for on here. So I went over to his site and listened to a few tracks, and I have to agree with the OP. Nothing special. I havent listened to rap in a while, but Kid Cudi blows Wiz out of the water.
He sure isnt the best, not by any means. There are much better rappers out there and much better artists to listen to when getting high. And at the end of the day thats what its about, getting high and listening to some good tunes. If you like wiz then fair enough but for getting high hes not really my kind of guy.
Dood dont listen to his mainstream man, gets old quick. DL his mixtapes.. burn after rolling kush and oj those two are his best by far
You lose. [ame=]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa - Good Dank (KUSH AND ORANGE JUICE)[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa- Head To The Sky (HQ)[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa - The Boss (Freestyle)[/ame]
Well yes, he is pretty untalented. But just because you don't like something doesn't means you have to be a dick about it