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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jayb1rd, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Alright so I got arrested saturday for I'm taking a long t-break.
    Now i've smoked pretty much all day every day for the past, forever. haha. It's my 3rd day without smoking anything. Ive been really shaky all day and I've felt extremely restless and sick to my stomach. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
    I'm just curious, because I've quit for a while before but this has never happened.
  2. hasnt happened to me but it sounds like your body chemistry is changing, you were probably burning for so long your body adapted for its daily usage, now that its not there it fucks with you, goodluck with the symptoms
  3. Its never happened to me I am sure you will be fine.
  4. marijuana has no physical dependency so I think you might be sick. bud use doesn't cause that. it might cause restlessness or insomnia, but "shaking" and upset stomach have nothing to do with mary jane.
  5. yeah I know that, thats why i'm wondering. I don't really feel sick to my stomach anymore. I do however have a headache and i still feel restless.
  6. hey i have had this happen to me when i stop for while i notice i loose my appetite and can get very nauseated if i force my self to eat, i sat it passes in about a week.
  7. I can flip the switch on and off if I wanna smoke or not. Its not addictive. But sometimes I just don't have the money to smoke so T-breaks are always good.

    Why keep smoking and get less high when you can take a break and get super high in another week or two. Well maybe longer than that but you know.

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