Wisdom Teeth Removal Fear

Discussion in 'General' started by Weedity, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. #1 Weedity, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    So tomorrow I am getting two of my wisdom teeth removed. I am going to a very good surgeon and trust him very much. Still, I am scared as flying fuck. Not sure how cannabis and anesthetics(unmentionables?) mix, and I am not going to be knocked out. I will be given a weaker unmentionable I believe. He said I won't know what is really going on, and won't feel a thing, but I can communicate. I will taking weak unmentionables tonight for stopping anxiety, and before the surgery at 11 A.M tomorrow. I don't want any stronger unmentionables afterwards, my buddy got addicted to them. Shit got real bad too. But so be it.

    So is it safe to smoke tonight before bed? Will it effect my surgery tomorrow? Otherwise I don't think I'll be getting much sleep. This is my first surgery and I am certainly scared as hell. Not sure how the unmentionables will effect me and have read lots of horror stories. Like not waking up. Holy fuck.

    Need some comfort. Anyone had this done yet?  
  2. #2 Chrismittty, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    I don't know how this should be responded to. its kinda  "Other drugs" due to the possible life threatening interactions.
    and Nope. havent balls'd up and done it. Moslty the same reasons as you. but then mine has a flip side.
    I am scared they cant knock my ass out, and if they do, i wont wake.
    I'm sure you'll be okay. Maybe don't smoke just to be safe. It may make you feel safer too if you don't...
  3. I went to the ghetto medicaid dentist for mine and just got a local shot of lidocaine..really wasnt as bad as I thought and he was wrenching on my mouth..the sounds and blood flying everywhere was kinda gross but no pain and the recovery was fine..no anesthesia but i smoked hours before being put under for 3 days with my heart and came out of it fine
  4. I've been through it before. Not waking up after taking anesthesia is a really rare occurence. Relax you will come out of the surgery fine and if you worry about smoking beforehand don't do it. I didn't wait very long to smoke again though.
  5. Yeah I changed the words to unmentionables. Kinda didn't think of that. Shit.

    But yeah, I certainly won't smoke tomorrow. Still, I could REALLY use some today man. 

    I kept blowing this off and finally balled up. I knew this shit needs to get over with and is the one of the most common surgeries. 
  6. I know that feel bro. I was told to take mine out 5 years ago, sorta wish I listened.

    It should be ok the night before, hell even during the surgery. Personally I would hate going to the dentist high, I would even get a haircut high.

    Also don't smoke afterwards during the healing process due to the risk of dry sockets which I heard can be very painful.
  7. i was born without wisdom teeth but i wish i had them for the unmentionables.  i never get sweet ass surgeries to get sweet ass unmentionables.  fml.
  8. Yeah, a lot of people have this view.

    IMO, fuck unmentionables. Watch my best friend spiral downward into a junkie because of that worthless junk. Grant it, I bet I will be feeling real good and all. Doesn't mean I want em though. Lol
  9. Got all four taken out in Navy bootcamp...
    They numb you and have some fucking dentist treating you like shit because you're a recruit....
    You can feel him cracking and fucking your teeth the fuck up and when you tense up dentist would start bitching...
    Then they give you like 3 painkillers for your problems when your done.
    Can't be any worse than a military experience...you'll be fine.
  10. I smoked the night before I got mine out. I got four removed. It's really weird because you will be laying in the chair nervous as fuck, then they have you count. And bam your back awake.
    There will be a bunch of gause (sp) in your mouth when you wake up.

    Don't stand up, because you'll probably pass back out after like 10 mins.

    They should give you a plastic syringe, make sure you clean the holes very frequently so they don't get infected.

    Your not suppose to smoke for awhile after, but I smoked the day after, just take light, small hits, so you don't dry your gums out. Drink lots of fluids.

    You'll be okay, healing time varies for everyone.
  11. #11 Weedity, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    Thing that scares me is I have a slight heart issue. My dad was diagnosed with Afib and the males of my family have bad heart history. When I drink alcohol, eat too much, stimulants, etc I get irregular heartbeats lasting from 15 minutes to 3 hours. 

    Not life threatening, just something I need to learn to avoid. So I told my surgeon about this and he said he will have me monitored at all times and will be given a weaker unmentionable. I will still be able to communicate apparently. Which is scary. 
  12. I have had several surgeries in the past decade for various injuries..
    Bud increases your tollerance to other drugs.. (well it did for me)
    Not trying to freak you out or anything, but I woke up half way through one of my surgeries..  was pretty strange.. I pushed aside that curtain they use to cover your head from your body.. the doc was like.. "WTF is this guy doing up".. they then shoved something over my mouth and as I was falling back to sleep I heard that doc say.. "what fucking drugs is this kid on".. lol
    I was 21 when that happened..
    Weed Mr Doctor... Weed is what I was on.. :smoke:
    I had a fib for years and had a transplant with weed in my system..ive had a dozen right heart groin caths where they half knock you out like that..you'll be fine
  14. Holy shit man. That's crazy. Does make me feel better though. 
    You don't really get 'sweet' unmentionables, they are all weak. I guess I don't know your tolerance but opiates are the most terrible drug out there.. trust me on that one.
    Drugs are bad mmmmmkay.
  16. Oh yeah, the weakest of the weak. I'll be asking for the weakest as well. 

    Still, I hate them. I hate how they make you feel, I hate what they did to my buddy, and they always made my stomach upset before. 

    As for feeling real good, thing I'll make some edibles. Then I will be feeling reaaal good. 
  17. #17 Chrismittty, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
    U dont mean that...or don't realize you dont..
    I am living proof. hardly living.
    keep hating that feeling you will be better for it. Edibles sounds like the best idea.
    haha yea i was actually worried too because they call you in at anytime and i wasnt smoking but just happened to that night cause i was stressed and got called in like 3 hrs later...wanted to ask the docs about it but i read some people dont get their transplant if they are smoking so i didnt want to risk not getting it..for that they check blood and everything a head of time anyways so im glad it worked out...was out in 11 days =)
  20. #20 Atheism Cant Be Proven, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
    you're probably right.  i've never done opiates other than that brown stuff a couple times and it wasn't that great i thought.  never went back to it.  back in the day though i used to feign to try drugs and now i think drugs (even weed) isn't as great as i used to think it was, specifically hallucinogens...i used to love those and now never wanna do them again.  now i just buy weed every now and then and have a couple beers here and there.  it's great now because i've gone to rehab for drugs/alcohol and now i limit my use to a 6 pack of beer a week and a quarter of weed a month.  although i still consider myself an addict because i know when i buy that quarter of weed, im high until its gone, i dont consider myself an alcoholic anymore.

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