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Willie Nelson (Pickup 15g)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by countzer0, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Well picked up some Willie Nelson for the first time. Willie Nelson is an F1 hybrid between Vietnamese and Highland Nepalese. Sativa.


    Kicks Ass!
  2. Looks real nice. I like the name too.
  3. by goly willllllllie nelson looks good no homo
  4. LOL the 2 people ^ me have same post count... random i know lol but

    Tasty ass buds bro and enjoy the Willy Nelson(also no homo lmfao)
  5. describe the flavor of it!


  6. looks like somee good weed my friend.. have fun
  7. looks dank man
  8. lookin good man
  9. Does that nug alone way 15?
    how much u cop it for? 90-120 ish?
  10. Seriously?

    but that is a nice looking nug.
  11. All I see is a blurry picture of a nug lol. Try using the macro setting on your camera or actually get the nug in focus.

  12. That was the macro setting, i was too close for macro, lol.... my camera sucks. That was a 15.04 gram bud. Its really dense in their and powdery. High is ultimate cerebral. I sat staring at something on my desk for like an hour the other night.

  13. dont tell me you cant tell that its dank either way lol..

    nice pickup man
  14. thats quite a nug, thought it was a dime at first

  15. Actually I cant tell very well.Looks alittle compresed.I would say its around upper mids by the picture.

  16. ehh you could be right mandala, now that i look at it more.

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