I have always wanted to get a pre cooler but was never sure if it would fit or not. so could someone help me and let me know if this setup will work or not. thanks in advance Weed Star - Ghetto Bitch - Bongs & Waterpipes - Smoking Pipes - English - Grasscity.com Weed Star - Three Arm Precooler - 18.8 - Bongs & Waterpipes - Smoking Pipes - English - Grasscity.com
For the price of those two you can buy a good name brand like syn from ALT for about $90. You will also get a much sturdier piece that will resist cracking and may even prevent breakage from minor collisions. On top of those benefits, they are also more efficient better downstem angle which allows for less water and more room for milk, better quality downstem for more bubbles. As for an a/c precooler I would suggest either a single or at least 4 arms to reduce drag.