Will my plants be okay in this temperature?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SatanicKoala, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Hey,

    I'm growing in a tent that sits in my spare room, where I live its currently winter and most of the nights get to lows of between 1degree Celsius and -1 and the days get as high as 14 degrees celsius some times which makes the temperature inside the house in between there

    I'm about to transplant my seeds from paper towel into coco but i am worried they will struggle hard with the weather i am currently facing. Do you think that a seedling would struggle or even die in these conditions?

    I'm looking into heating solutions but itd be another few weeks before that becomes possible.


  2. I wouldn't germinate any seeds if I knew they would have to endure even a minute @ 1c/33f! Yeah, if you put them into zip lock, in a paper towel, somewhere warm, they will pop, but as soon as you put them in a pot and they have to face that kind of low temperature, they will die very quickly!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. seedlings need to be warm and humid conditions they prefer but not essential as been said dont germ until you got nice consistent ambient temps :)

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