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will a pestle and mortar work for grinding?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wnzgoe179, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. so basically i don't have a grinder and i was wondering if a pestle and mortar would work for grinding weed finely enough to make a decent j.
  2. i feel like that would crush the bud more than grind it. try using scissors and a cup. i would advise against using your fingers unless you really take the time to break it up
  3. Lmao. No. You are better off breakin it up with your fingers.
    with Mortar and pestle you will be losing much trichomes crystals nd shit.

  4. Don't use ur fingers they absord thc just use scissors and some flat surface
  5. what is this fucking oblivion or morrowind or some shit?

    get a grinder
  6. Yeah a morter and pestel are for crushing and a grinder is more for... well... grinding..
  7. maybe he wanted to make a: Vial of Extreme Happiness x1
  8. hahahahah
  9. haha i used to use a pestle and mortar i found in my kitchen
  10. you can but it turns it into powder..

  11. I LOL'd.:smoking:
  12. :eek::laughing:

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA i laughed my ass off when i saw this thread! oh shit bro. you made my night.

    in all seriousness dont use a mortar and pestle get your high elf ass in gear and hike it to the local alchemist shop and purchase a grinder for like....3 gold or something. cheap as shit yo. just spring....or kill a deer and sell the fur, then you should have enough money.

    P.S. Your hilarious
  13. that shit is hilarious every post made me laugh hysterically !!!!

  14. were you sitting there smoking and wondered "hmm...will a mortar and pestle work?"

    were you sober or stoned? And also your signature basically justifies this thread. this is the funniest thread ive seen since ive been roaming around this forum. +rep....heres the respect you think you deserve, but in actuality you friggin' dont. :wave:
  15. My dad used to do that...
    Until I got him a grinder.

    Use some fucking scissors and either a shalow dish or cup. Cut it up carefully and evenly.
    Get a pair of small nail/cuticle scissors and clean them well.
    Try to avoid touchng or squeezing your bud as much as possible.
  16. Why not use a blade and a cutting board? It works, too.
  17. Im trying to picture this idea. It seems like it would be like trying to cut a steak with a plastic spoon. In which case it would be more effective to use my hands lol.
  18. Do it the way you want.
  19. With a Mortar and Pestle you will grind your bud into dust.. or maybe not even work at all, just use your fingers, so much easier. Or just go out and buy a nice cheap grinder, get one with a kief catcher, best investment :)
  20. If your bud wasn't very dry you might end up just smearing the inside of the pestle (or the mortar, i dunno which is which) with weed. Before I had a grinder, I'd cut the bud us small as I could with scissors, put it back in the dimebag, then kinda chop the scissors around in there for a bit. You usually cut the bag, but it works well as long as you do it over a surface

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