Rep. Melissa Sargent (D) is pushing a bill to legalize marijuana. This will allow recreational and medicinal use on your property. Any residents over the age of 21 can legally carry an ounce and a half. None residents can carry a quo. Doubt it but maybe this one will get past the GOP.Edited: the above amounts are wrong. Here are the full intentions of the bill. "8 ounces of marijuana-infused product in solid form, or 36 ounces of marijuana-infused product in liquid form and so that state law permits a nonresident of Wisconsin who is over the age of 21 to possess no more than a quarter ounce of marijuana, 4 ounces of marijuana-infused product in solid form, or 18 ounces of marijuana-infused product in liquid form. This bill also eliminates the prohibition on possessing or using drug paraphernalia that relates to marijuana consumption. A person who possesses more than the maximum amount but not more than 20 grams of marijuana is subject to a civil forfeiture not to exceed $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or both and a person who possesses more than 20 grams of marijuana is guilty of a Class I felony. In addition, under the bill, the cultivation of marijuana is a Class I felony and the use of marijuana in public is subject to a civil forfeiture of not more than $100."It's a step in the right direction. Although it sounds like both parties aren't to keen on the idea. However; it's the first bill for full legalization.And another edit (last one): The bill LRB-3671/1, still maintains felony charges if you go outside these limits. You can also purchase a permit to sell. With felony charges for selling to minors. There is nothing about growing though.
[quote name="mcjays" post="19437869" timestamp="1391126042"]Rep. Melissa Sargent (D) is pushing a bill to legalize marijuana. This will allow recreational and medicinal use on your property. Any residents over the age of 21 can legally carry an ounce and a half. None residents can carry a quo. Doubt it but maybe this one will get past the GOP.Edited: the above amounts are wrong. Here are the full intentions of the bill. "8 ounces of marijuana-infused product in solid form, or 36 ounces of marijuana-infused product in liquid form and so that state law permits a nonresident of Wisconsin who is over the age of 21 to possess no more than a quarter ounce of marijuana, 4 ounces of marijuana-infused product in solid form, or 18 ounces of marijuana-infused product in liquid form. This bill also eliminates the prohibition on possessing or using drug paraphernalia that relates to marijuana consumption. A person who possesses more than the maximum amount but not more than 20 grams of marijuana is subject to a civil forfeiture not to exceed $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or both and a person who possesses more than 20 grams of marijuana is guilty of a Class I felony. In addition, under the bill, the cultivation of marijuana is a Class I felony and the use of marijuana in public is subject to a civil forfeiture of not more than $100."It's a step in the right direction. Although it sounds like both parties aren't to keen on the idea. However; it's the first bill for full legalization.And another edit (last one): The bill LRB-3671/1, still maintains felony charges if you go outside these limits. You can also purchase a permit to sell. With felony charges for selling to minors. There is nothing about growing though.[/quote]That sounds awesome. Comin from someone in Wisconsin. But idk, the only reason why they want us to legalize is so the government can make bank. If we can't grow it's still gonna cost a hefty amount to blaze legal or not. I understand that we wouldn't have any real penalties as long as we aren't dumb about it. But still, if a med patient can grow, why can't someone in a legal state. Either way. It would be nice to see the penalties go away. As long as its not a DUI or Dwi
[quote name="Slick_Rick" post="19439837" timestamp="1391145856"]That sounds awesome. Comin from someone in Wisconsin. But idk, the only reason why they want us to legalize is so the government can make bank. If we can't grow it's still gonna cost a hefty amount to blaze legal or not. I understand that we wouldn't have any real penalties as long as we aren't dumb about it. But still, if a med patient can grow, why can't someone in a legal state. Either way. It would be nice to see the penalties go away. As long as its not a DUI or Dwi[/quote]It is pretty much solely for the economic benefits if it passes. I'm disappointed as well about not being able to grow. But I feel like that would change relatively soon after. Seeing as this bill is based off of Colorado's initiative. I think it's an OWI. not positive though.
I live in Wisconsin. It's such a conservative republican state it hurts. I can see Scott Walker laughing his buns off at this bill.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I once read that politicians consider an email as the "voice" of 10 voters. A snail-mail letter is the "voice" of 100 voters. While a phone call (if not an over-the-top rant) is viewed as the voice of 1000 voters! Get your friends organized! Throw a "political party"- some "buds and suds" and some voter registration forms for those who have forgotten that if you aren't registered, you can't vote for legalization! So you watch the game, or play some WOW, and then you guys get down to business! Pass out the registration cards to any who need one. Have this site bookmarked, Then everyone can write a polite, and informative (form) letter and send a copy to the appropriate politicians. (They "form-letter" us all the time! Turn-about is fair play! ) Print up a copy of each letter, and splurge the whole 49 cents on a stamp, so your opinion gets counted twice! ( ) Throw a couple get-togethers each month! The online news can provide many opportunities to educate "Joe Wisconsin", who still believes a lot of the DARE myths. I use my "Granny Storm Crow's List" to find titles that people can relate to, like this - Why should you want cannabis legal? Read these! “Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's†(WebMD- read this, if nothing else!), “Pot compound seen as tool against cancer†(SFGate) , “An ultra-low dose of tetrahydrocannabinol provides cardioprotection†(PubMed), “Smoked Cannabis Reduces Some Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis†(UCSD), “Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy†(ScienceDaily), “Marijuana may be Helpful in Lowering Blood Pressure†(BioMedicine) and “Cannabis for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease treatment†(NewsMedicalNet). And since I was a hippie in the 60s, I can tell you that the stronger cannabis just means that we no longer have to smoke two joints to get high (or get pain relief), two or three puffs will do it. Since the act of smoking anything is harmful to the lungs, I see this as an improvement, not something to be bewailed! (One of the dudes in the article was raving how "It isn't you father's pot! It's stronger!" So I simply pointed out how this isn't a bad thing! lol) I posted that up yesterday and currently have 18 "thumb's up" to 2 "thumb's down". Not too bad! If you would like a free copy of my List to help you educate those "Joes", all you have to do is send me an email (bottom of my sig), or PM me your email address. Granny
[quote name="JerBear31" post="19461110" timestamp="1391479813"]I live in Wisconsin. It's such a conservative republican state it hurts. I can see Scott Walker laughing his buns off at this bill.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Yeah, that's the problem. Very republican. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Granny, the good news is I've got twenty votes in then! The bad is I've only got twenty votes in(just being realistic). The problem with contacting my rep is he's my neighbor and I know him. He's not the man that's pro pot. He's a very republican man and stands firm on his views. Which is why he's still in office. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app I encourage those in wisconsin to sign it!
I bet the dude will be pro health. just tell him how cannabis helps kids with seizures after all other known medicine failed miserably, then say don't you want to help those kids?
You could be in a good position to convince him then! Every republican counts and as long as you take a rational approach to talking to him I am sure you could help persuade him. You wouldn't even have to fully persuade him. Present the facts and hopefully it will lead him to at least open his mind to the idea of marijuana being a good thing instead of a negative one.
The fact that cultivation is still illegal under the bill sounds wierd, how would dispensaries get their supply?
You can get a license to grow. Not sure how many grow permits they're gonna have able. Probably not to many. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Petition signed. I'll also be making a phone call. Sadly, I know Wisconsin all too well. This just won't happen. Too many old Conservatives. Every time one of these pops up, I try so hard to spread the word and get in contact with our politicians. Same result Scott Walker is one of the worst human beings in the country, so I have little faith. One can dream, though.
Perhaps it won't happen this time, but maybe next time! Some things are worth being persistent about! And what will your politicians think as they keep reading headlines like this? Pot buyers add more than $1M to Colorado tax coffers "In the first month of legal recreational marijuana sales in Colorado, retailers who shared their proprietary data with NBC News say they have collected $1.24 million in tax revenue." And I bet there were many shops that did NOT share their data! So, maybe, double that $1.24 million in taxes? Don't you think that is enough to stir up the lust for taxes in any politician's heart, even a Republican? $14 to 30 million per year in new taxes can fix a LOT of potholes! Then, the medical data is coming out in the mainstream media! Dr. Gupta's "Mea culpa!" shook things up. The kids with Dravets were, and are still, all over the news. The OK for legal banking of cannabis money changes the financial picture for the cannabis industry. Bills to legalize the growing of hemp are being introduced. 18 representatives sent a letter demanding that Obama reschedule cannabis. Florida will be voting on MMJ. Politicians in the deep south are coming out publicly in favor of high CBD RSO! (which proves there IS some hope for the south!) And the very first study on using RSO for leukemia just came out at PubMed and it was described as an "effective treatment"! The whole medical cannabis movement is snowballing and picking up speed, rapidly! Politicians will either have to adjust to the new reality and come out in favor of MMJ (at the least), or they will be voted out of office! Too many people are learning the medical facts and changing their minds about cannabis, and the polls reflect this. Legalization is almost here! Granny
Wisconsin might not get medical marijuana yet but I saw this article today.
That's a turn in the right direction. At least he sees the potential behind the plant. Or some of the potential. I do believe it will be medically legal within a few years. But that may be far fetched. Also do you or did you run a website about snowboarding? Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
If WI passed a Legalization law, It would probably make a huge influence on other states around them.
The reason I asked was because the admin for such site had frosty as his name. But it looks like we will have to wait until next year to see now. Hopefully Melissa Sargent gets re-elected in the assembly. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app