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Why you should invest in a proper grinder and how to choose your grinder

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dawnofwar, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Hey blades, so it's often debated between fellow members here, and fellow stoners whether you really need or grinder, or if it's even worth the purchase.
    I am here to tell you that yes, it is absolutely worth it to have a grinder. While you may not need one, it will help you in your stoner life.

    Point 1: Cost effective.

    Now at first, depending on what kind of grinder you want, $40 can seem like a hefty price to pay. I thought the same way, and was very apprehensive about getting my grinder (2 screen, 5 piece Scan grinder.) It seemed like a waste of money, when I could just buy a $20 shitty no screen grinder, and save $20, or buy a 20 sac. However in the long run, it will save you money (depending on how much you smoke, if you smoke everyday within two weeks you will have earned your money back. If you smoke only once a week, or maybe twice a week a most, then it will take you longer to earn that money back.) Every time you buy a sac (0.5g's minimum) you will get enough kief for a bowl. So essentially you are giving yourself a free sesh, for every sac you purchase. Again depending on the size of sacs you pick up, within 5 or so pick ups, you will have enough almost made 1/4 of your money back!!

    Point 2: Free weed.

    I can essentially scrape my grinder everyday and get a fresh bowl of kief. At first it may not seem like you are getting that much free weed, but it all adds up. Just last night I scrapped my grinder and bought a 5 sac (0.5gs.) Fast forward to 5 minutes before I started writing this, and I had enough kief to pack a MONSTER bowl. I'm scared to even smoke this thing!!!!!!!!!

    Point 3: Get the most out of your weed.

    Lets say you have a measly, no screen grinder. You are not getting the most out of your weed, simply because the static caused by the herb moving around, will pick up any kief that had fallen off. So it will take very long to get even a tiny amount of kief. I used to have a no screen grinder, and it would take a half ounce to get the amount of kief I get from picking up a gram two days in a row.

    If you finger bust or scissor bust you bud, then you are getting a fraction of the kief you would get with a no screen grinder!!!

    Point 4: Kief gets you fucking destroyed.

    It's simple, kief get's you absolutely ripped, in such little amounts, and higher then bud could get if. If you were to pack two full bowls of kief out of my vapour genie, you would be high for hours! More then any weed will do.

    What kind of grinder:

    Well, this really depends on how much money you can spend, how long you want it for, and what you want to use it for.

    There are three standard grinders, and I will talk about each from the experience I had owning the different kinds.

    No screen:

    Generally, these will be of lesser quality, as most quality grinders have screens. That isn't to say they will be bad though! They still get the job done, but more often then not will have sub-par teeth then other screen grinders do. Also if you are looking for kief, this is not the way to go. However, if you don't have a lot of money, this is definitely a good buy.

    1 screen:

    These are good grinders, and will give you a lot of kief. However your kief won't be of the finest quality as you will see in just a minute. Don't get me wrong though, you will get awesome kief, and lots of it! Teeth on screen grinders are generally well built, and rugged, simply because by buying a screen, your going for a higher price range of materials. There is nothing wrong with a single screen grinder, but I'm talking about maximizing everything you possibly can.

    2 screen:

    These are the king of grinders, and will have everything you could possibly imagine. By going for 2 screens, you are going for a higher range of grinders, thus costing slightly more (maybe $5-$10 extra then a single screen,) so naturally you are getting higher quality parts and more potential. You may be wondering why you need two screens in the first place. It's all about how your kief gets filtered. With two stages, you can see the filtration of kief and how it works. When it goes through the first screen, it's slightly rough, not super pale, but still looks good. When it goes through the second screen, you will see kief like no other.

    It's incredibly smooth, and you can practically see the individual pieces of kief on the bottom. It's so smooth, that it looks like a green version of an unmentionable. :eek: Not only that, but you a treating yourself to one of the highest quality of kief you can smoke. That is why personally, I think two screen grinders are the shit. The kief you get out of it is of a calibre only attainable by two screen grinders (NOTE: I'm strictly talking about kief that you obtain from grinders.)

    I've smoked kief from a single screen grinder and my two screen grinder, and single handedly the two screen wins without a doubt. Sure it may run you about $40-$50, but within a month at most you will have earned your money back. You will be treated with premium quality kief when ever you want, and a smooth high.
  2. One word : kief
  3. dat kief, im guilty though, generally just use my fingers, it makes me feel connected to mah bud haha
  4. I find that I'm horrible at breaking buds with my fingers, probably bc I've had a grinder since day 1

    Its kinda embarassing when I'm smoking with friends and I don't have my grinder with me, takes a few minutes just to break up a bowl lol

  5. haha man, i feel confident that you are intelligent enough to just break a chunk off the nug sit it over the whole, then break up some more chunks, and break them down to sit on top haha, im gonna go buy a grinder sometime this week doe
  6. Finally got a 4 piece grinder two days ago. Once I start smoking again, I'm gonna be collecting that kief like crazy
  7. I use a grinder if I'm busting more that a couple of G's at a time. Or if I'm driving (I'm bad I know)

    But if I'm just looking to roll a blunt and relax then I almost always break up my bud by hand. I love the whole "hand made" thing. plus breaking herb by hand is kinda spiritual for me.

    I'd say that the teeth of a grinder grab just as much good stuff off the herb as my finders do. But to each their own.

    Now don't get me wrong! I FRACKING LOVE KIEF and always try to have some in reserve. But there is just something great about doing it by hand :)
  8. This persuasive essay was great. If I didn't already have a grinder, it'd be the first thing buy tomorrow morning. Great job. I love kief!
  9. A cool trick to make little kief balls to dome in chops. To make this get a plastic ziploc bag. Over time when you scrape your kief, put it in the corner of the bag, and twist it. Keep doing this and every time you finish putting one in, squish it with your grinder. After a couple times of putting it in there, you'll get a kief cake, and you can turn it into a ball.

    Put that ball in your smoking method of choice and light it up.
    You'll be ripped for sure.


    I can see how you would like to bust it up by hand, but unless you wash your hands before you touch the bud, your oils and dirt from your hands will get onto it. With a proper grinder the bud is chopped much finer, and it is of a higher quality the chopping it by hand.
  10. i'm saving up for $40 grinder as this kief just seems too good to miss out on
  11. I have cheap single screen grinder. It collects tons of kief and I rarely use it. I only use it for extremely dense buds that I can't break up by hand or with scissors and a shot glass. I don't know why I don't use my grinder that often, but I guess it doesn't matter I literally haven't had an empty kief chamber or even close in over a year, it's just not noticeable even when I don't grind my buds.

    EDIT: You know, the really cheap aluminum grinder with a yellow painted smiley face on it. Headshops everywhere for like 5 dollars.
  12. Rather just buy pressed kief.

    Honestly, my fav grinder ever was a cheapy plastic one till the teeth broke.

    The metal one's with the spike teeth suck...
  13. Grinders conserve precious trichomes which get stuck to your fingers when breaking up. They break up bud to a near perfect consistency. Very very neat. Also a kief catcher so you can top bowls and get demolished... I find grinders with two kief screens to be overkill, theirs no need to separate kief from kief. The three stage sharpstone i have right now is amazing and only about 26 bucks definitely got my monies worth. :smoke:
  14. Still stupid.

    I own a grinder I didn't read past 2 of your reasoning reasons.

    I mean seriously if you never put weed in the grinder to begin non of the kief / bud would be in the grinder for you to harvest to begin with.

    Its not free weed you pay for the weed and the kief and your grinder steals it.

    You points only make sense if someone is stupid and drops a lot of weed / kief when they pack a bowl.

    Really the only weed your losing when you pack and rip up weed with your hands is the slight amount of THC that your greasy little fingers absorb.
  15. Its the same idea as having like $50 taken off your paycheques and put into a savings account. It's not free money, just better budgeted.
  16. I use a grinder. One compartment wood. Wouldn't the kief that falls off the bud into the grinder just get picked up by the next grind?
  17. #17 Jumbo, May 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2012
    The idea that you get free weed is retarded OP. That is not free weed. That is weed that you bought that got stuck on the side of your grinder.

    Sure you can grind weed up and get kief, but do you realize that you arent smoking weed with all that kief already on it due to this?

    Id rather just have some dank kiefy weed, than some weed with all the kief banged off and it spread all over my grinder insides... But thats just me.

    I have a grinder, and it has sat in a box literally for like 2 years lol, its so much easier to just break a chunk off and twist it in my finger tips and it becomes perfect size.

    Also i dont see how the fuck you are getting a "bowl of kief" from grinding a half a gram....
  18. I usually just use my coffee grinder. You've convinced me to better myself
  19. Your ranking of grinders is way off. I find grinders with screens to be crappy, they simply cannot keep up with a quality 2 piece grinder and pollen box.
  20. [quote name='"Jumbo"']The idea that you get free weed is retarded OP. That is not free weed. That is weed that you bought that got stuck on the side of your grinder.

    Sure you can grind weed up and get kief, but do you realize that you arent smoking weed with all that kief already on it due to this?

    Id rather just have some dank kiefy weed, than some weed with all the kief banged off and it spread all over my grinder insides... But thats just me.

    I have a grinder, and it has sat in a box literally for like 2 years lol, its so much easier to just break a chunk off and twist it in my finger tips and it becomes perfect size.

    Also i dont see how the fuck you are getting a "bowl of kief" from grinding a half a gram....[/quote]

    i know old post and all..but i think he means he can top a bowl after half a g.

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