ive had my seeds in a wet napkin in a warm spot, and this is the third day and im not seeing ANYTHING happening......idk what the problem is... anyone???
the seeds may not be viable? but some seeds can take up to a week to germinate -- leave them alone though... the more you both them with checking on them -- the less likely they are to germ.
If you're using bagseed, I'd recommend just collecting a whole mess of them and trying to germ them. Odds are you'll at least get a few, and no waste in throwing those other plants out because you really didn't pay for specifically the seeds
Might just take a while. They will crack down the sides before sprouting. I've germinated 5+ year old bag seeds that have taken a week, but eventually popped out.
yep - you're trying to replicate nature 1. Warm: as if the sun is warming the earth (that sounds hippyish 2. Moist: as if spring rains have started to fall 3. Dark: as if it is under the soil.
no need to start over - they're not ruined. Just put them in a drawer somewhere and check them again in 48+ hours.