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Why won't my qwiso freeze?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Jizz Master, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. I followed the 30 page qwiso guide on here and I'm pretty sure I did everything correctly, what reason could it be that my qwiso won't freeze? It's been in the freezer for 36hrs so far

  2. I'm pretty sure alcohol doesn't freeze...
  3. Why the hell are you freezing it?

  4. woooooooooow Fail.

    the next step is to evaporate the alcohol ,not freeze it xD :laughing:
  5. Uh, evaporate?
  6. yup, evaporate :D
  7. You might want to cut back on the QWISO smoking, my man. Those left over iso chemicals seem to be doing more bad than good. :D
  8. I'm retarded, should I just leave it out for 48hrs?
  9. Damn I'm dumb
  10. Leave it out for 2-3 days and have a [clean] fan blow over it on high power on and off for 4 hours at a time[so you don't overheat your fan].

  11. I really hope that the long exposure to cold temps didnt fuck up your qwiso
  12. dude if thats a non stick sheet pan, DONT SCRAPE IT, transfer to glass

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