why won't my joints stay lit?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by MrGanjaMan805, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Use the dollar bill method or the card method, easier and you don't need a roller on you all the time. Also are you sure you're lighting it enough? Maybe it's in the environment you're in? Too much air flow etc.
  2. I never use a roller or a grinder, just scissors and my hand(s), I would defenitly go to a spliff contest, I was the designated roller at my dealers house, he loved havin me around.

    I have used a roller before when I first started smoking and found that the roller always rolled too tight, I suggest ditching the thing and practice with your hands. Grinders tend to knock the trichomes off and bust em open getting precious butter stuck and lost in the grinder.

    Get some scissors and a plate then use the blades as close to your hand as possible, closest to the pivot and furthest from the tips.

    I find when using the very tips of the scissors bud tends to fly away, not so much when I use the blades closest to my hand.

    I find that different types of weed like to be shredded to different grades of finess for burning whether in a pipe or joint so you got to find that right size of shred for yourself, eventually you will know just by handeling the bud.

    once you got you weed shredded (not grinded) read some joint rollin guides or watch some videos of how other people do it, monkey see monkey do, your hands will train themselves, but Ill tell ya its all in the thumbs, the other fingers just kinda support the joint as its being rolled.

    Eventually you will figure out how much excess paper to cut away before rolling or you might want to look into rolling back-flips, impresses newbies to so thats always cool, makes me seem like some kind of guru when I show it to the younger tokers.

  3. hand rolls usually smoke best but i ran into this problem before i rolled two papers not paying attention lol
  4. might've not been ground up well enough
    you might've just rolled it too dense, so that its pretty much clogged mid-hoint
  5. Definitely learn how to roll by hand. Rolling by hand is so much more gratifying when you smoke and you can roll it however you like it. It does take a bit of practice, but to be honest it really didn't take me much to be able to roll decently.

    If you really can't roll, use a pencil and roll an empty joint around the pencil. Take the pencil out, put in filter and fill with weed.
  6. #26 SpliffyPuffs, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2012
    Yes hand rolled joints and spliffs are the best. once you learn you can start experimenting with tulips, crossjoints, forks, tripods, backflipps etc etc.

    Didn't know they had a part two, havn't read this one but most certainly will, Ive read part one though, like 6+ years ago!

  7. [quote name='"KushNMusic"']

    ahaha the tobbaco thing is just a cover up man so they dont get in trouble, same with rolling papers and pipes and basically everything you use for marijuana, you can't just straight up say its for marijuana, but trust me they're made for weed[/quote]

    no they're not. I smoked cigarettes during high school. if you buy a bag of rolling tobacco and roll your own cigarettes you save a fuckton of money.

  8. Wtf are you on about? learn to read. hes talking about how when you buy grinders or bongs or anything for weed it says for tobacco use or some sht like that when really nobodys buying it to smoke tobacco through or to grind tobacco up there buying it to smoke bud
  9. Its most likely the bud. Grind your Marijuana finer and let it sit out or put it in a paper towel let the moisture settle out. You want to be able to dry hit your j and check if the J has good air flow or not.

  10. not necessarily true...

    I had some green last week that would not stay lit for shit -

    the way it was rolled was not the problem

    there is some weed that wont burn in Joints
  11. Grinder...

  12. I agree its the weed
    I had same problem
    in a joint wouldnt stay lit :confused:
    in a bowl it was ok :smoke:
  13. Dont forget to pick out your seeds and stems
  14. "the joint is too tight make sure you hit it while you light" lol
  15. Try rolling with your hands
  16. Probably rolled too tight

    DITCH THE ROLLER, learn to roll by hand, its hard at first but rewarding, what kind of smoker can't roll?! i've been there man i had a roller too at first but once you conquer the art of rolling the possibilities are endless!
  17. because you need to have me roll it for u
  18. Well, you're using bugler papers; those are made for tobacco. Use RAWs, my personal favorite.
  19. It'd have to be how you're rolling them. I use those same exact same papers an they stay going the whole time
  20. What I found out is you need a decent amount of weed to put in the raw rolling machine.
    a gram or better. I was usually putting more then a gram.
    id grind the weed, put weed first, make space for filter using my finger. put it in, roll it a couple times. put paper, roll it. Boom. It burns good. Very good. Its tight. Not that good of big hits but u take alright hits. actually idk my joints where good, maybe its your roller. GET A BONG IF U CANT ROLL TRUST ME MUCH BETTER WORTH THE MONEY GLASS.

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