Why nobody should support Herman Cain

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NasaJoe, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Herman Cain | Campaign Scandal | The Atlanta Post

    Herman Cain's Enron-esque Disaster | Mother Jones

    Not sure if this is old news or not, to me it was news so I will share it. How can people be taking this guy seriously?
  2. people are taking him seriously because FOX and the radio talk shows are all saying that he's the man..
    now he's leading in the latest polls..

    the mitt romney and perry people jumped on the cain bandwagon the second hannity and beck told them to.

    i hate the word sheeple..

    but SHEEPLE! :devious:
  3. It didn't take long to tear down Perry, Cain will fall from grace in due time.
  4. He also doesn't think the Fed should be audited, called the housing bubble a "fairytale" weeks before it happened, has been supportive of the Iraq invasion and is an interventionist, said the Patriot Act was "90% right on", etc...
  5. #5 TheDankery, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2011
    I don't think anyone is really taking Herman Cain seriously. Not even Herman Cain.

    This guy also suggested that tougher drug laws may be the answer to "winning" the "War on Drugs", which is an insane approach to an insane "war".
  6. Hermboy probably wishes he would have been subservient to the liberal agenda so he would have gotten support from the black community. Pro minority and pro feminist (liberals), unless you vote other then democrat.
  7. Nine nine nine baby
  8. what's 999 upside down?


    don't vote for him!!


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