Here are some quotes my mom posted on Facebook. She truely believes this garbage. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' >You'll just turn a blind eye to the plans that the Muslims have to take over the world then. Anyone who is not of their race (even if they are a Muslim) are not 'clean' and deserve to die. They have announced many times that they plan on requiring all… </blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' >Oh, btw, they don't want peace. Why would you think they wanted peace. They make more money from war and are taught by the Imams to fight from childhood. It's been their way of life for thousands of years. </blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' >It's not a naive assumption, you should study it more. They are REQUIRED to follow their religion their whole life, no matter where they are. They are required to submit to their Imams and faith. If they do not do so, they can be killed. Some might 'relax' in a different environment, but it is only a temporary thing. Try reading more about the Muslim faith, culture and expectations. Anyone who leaves the faith is supposed to be killed. There is no backing out of being Muslim. </blockquote>I try reasoning with her. She wont hear it. When I bring up Christianity she always sais no its different. It always "true Christians don't believe that" Or "That Bible quote was taken out of context" Or "That's not what that means" But with Islam its "they are all 100% bad lalalalalalalalalala not listening" This is the post that actually drove me to make that gtfo libertarian rant. Sometimes I feel like people are so far gone there is no hope. That's why I don't believe in government anymore. I should he able to by my.own ideals and.not have her garbage.forced.on me. Its funny. People hate on libertarians for."forcing" their beliefs of not forcing beliefs on people. Idiots Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
my mom does the same thing with mormonism. its like her brain knows christianity is all wrong so she projects that onto another religion.
I'd like to point out this is not a religious problem. Anyone who follows garrisons posts knows. Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
oh shit!!! a perspective problem? like the world needs more of that sometimes humans are such idiots when it comes to, well. other humans. life. basically everything hahaha
He's religious also, but his God is the secular state. Read any of his posts with this in mind and they will all make sense.
He's religious also, but his God is the secular state. Read any of his posts with this in mind and they will all make sense. </blockquote> You make a valid point. Stateism is a any.other Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I hate it when people use the word "they" to refer to a whole race or religious group when they're really only referring to small factions within those groups.
Unfortunately most people are guilty of this. Sometimes they don't even realize it. I admit I have done it before Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
It's very political. The "crazy Muslim" theory is one of the main reasons people don't really care about our wars in the middle east. The propaganda spread about Islam is both religious and political in nature.
No. You see this specific quote maybe. But this is the general mindset of many people. Violence is the only answer because the bad guys wont stop. Another great example is people saying the nuclear terrorist attacks on Japan are justified because the Japanese would not have stopped. Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
What you said is political in nature, but this topic seems to be just about anti-Muslim facebook posts.
What you said is political in nature, but this topic seems to be just about anti-Muslim facebook posts. </blockquote> The topic was about people with generalized oppressive views who support violence and wont open their minds Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ive spent most of my adult live in the miltiary served in both wars. I was on the push for Afghan only to be redeployed on the push for Iraq. After the military I have spent almost all of time over in the Middle East. Most people never leave the state they live in the US so there perspective is the paradise that the US or any Western Nation is. Most have no idea the utter misery, wrongness, idiocy, cruelty etc etc that goes on for most of the world. Most of the world is still governed by day to day survival. I would say that most of the Arabs and I have encountered more Arabs then Americans in the last 5 years are decent people but I would also say do to the reality that they live in that the behavior that happens in that region is viewed differently. We have a fit on the Boston attack. What 2 bombs, couple dozen people? Over 500 rockets were launched into Israel earlier in the year...thats the norm. Imagine that reality of that where things exploding every month was part of the fabric of your culture. You view things differently when that happens. Only Western people believe that sitting around a table and eating dinner peace can be obtained. For the majority of the world that peace is obtained by killing the other fellow that opposes you. Take a peek at Iraq. 1000 deaths last month. The worst violence they have had in almost a decade. Why? 3 tribes then through in the terrorists causing trouble and you have a nice Civil War probably happen in the near future. One will not tolerate the others existence. If there not interested in violence the general population is not concerned with the violence that is happening. If yesterday 100 kids from the other faction died...good. Thats the general mentality. I've seen it with the interpreters we had assigned to us. We had one whos a Kurd. Good god the other Iraqi's hated that guy simply because of that. Anyhow like any fanatic movement the masses love it and alot more subscribe to the belief system that a few propagate. The difference though is only the most determined win. The crazy Islamic terror bubbas believe 100%. They believe that you must be slain, that life is about suffering to get there goals. They believe this 100% without doubt. What do you believe in? Obamacare? Organic Foods? American Idol? Only roughly 50% of us vote and thats considered high. Local and State elections are even worse. Thats why it never will end. Well it will but thats not for some time.
I googled "Libertarianism as a Religion, and the first thing that came up hit the proverbial nail right on the head. You think that you're the enlightened ones, with Ron Paul, Rothbard, Mises, Lew Rockwell, and various reactionaries who get applauded here all year every year. Well you're wrong, you are just as much "sheeple", probably even worse, as those whom you accuse.
As long as the actual values that libertarians preach aren't refuted, I guess I'm safe. I am an atheist, so I guess the anti-science thing doesn't really apply to me.
Libertarianism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy. Statism is also a philosophy, not a religion. You are the one who turns it into a religion, it's not inherently a part of all statists. It's a personal thing to deify the state, not many do it, you are rare. Anyone can believe in anything blindly in a religious fashion. Statists just tend to do it more than those of other creeds. Anyways, to address that blog you linked. It's very creatively written, but obviously wrong. Libertarianism is clearly philosophical. It's a system that can be deduced from a single guiding principle, the non-aggression axiom. It's probably the single most scientific political philisophy out there, in that the entire thing can be deduced logically.