Why it is not possible to prove or disprove in a divine entity

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Paradox Master, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Divine entities (or "god" as christian's like to refer the creator) is impossible to prove or disprove. As we all know, literal interpretation's of all divine creation stories have been quite thoroughly dis proven. That however does not disprove a divine being from existing.

    I know a logical fallacy that members of these forum's love to throw about, and I've heard this one many times; creation stories were meant to be taken literally, if they are literally dis proven it is silly to believe in modification/analogies (sorry stoned, can't think of the proper word) of creation stories.

    Here is the problem I have with that argument however. Say there is a divine being that created the universe, and it left no traces of itself to the mortal beings living in said universe. Now you have us delusional human's on earth trying to explain the universe. We come up with our own gods, and later on disprove them. Just because "our" idea's of divine entities are wrong doesn't mean that there isn't one, and to assert one way or the other is just foolish.

    Now that said, I'm agnostic leaning towards atheism because there is very no evidence of a creator, but as a wise man once said lack of evidence doesn't constitute as evidence.

    Though I do think it is safe to say that their is no magical divine beings with infinite power out there, even if we do have a creator of some kind it probably can be explained, and is no more magical or divine than we are, just probably a lot more powerful than we can comprehend.

    Just one thing I would like to note, is how perfect the laws of physics are in our universe to support random planets like ours with life. Their is no intelligent design here on our planet, that much is incredibly obvious, but the laws of physics may be another story. That being said however, of course if we existed in a universe that couldn't support life we wouldn't have a consciousness to observe said universe, so naturally whether our universe was created or not it would seem perfect for life as we know it.

    I'm open to criticism, and love good arguments and discussions (I have a green personality, so if I argue with you its a sign of respect because I feel that we both have something to learn from each other.)
  2. I'd like to point out that you're actually you're agnostic athiest. They're not mutually exclusive. agnostic is I don't know , and athesit is I dont believe God exist. now the wording is important. It's different from saying "God doesn't exist" , because the latter claims you have knowledge of this , which is gnostic. I used to think agnostic was a seperate thing also.

    To your point on our basically impossible chance of experiencing. I really don't see that as a problem , because if you thought that way, it would be a availability bias. You only have this one experience , while you have no memory of all the times you didn't exist. and I'm talking, "time" in the possibility that may possibly exist before this universe also.like if the universe is actually infinite and repeats in a cycle.

    I'm also really high so this may be coming out incoherently lol.

  3. I think I'm able to make out what your saying lol. Your right about the availability bias, we only have this experience. Hmm time existing before the universe is probably not the case, as physicist's think space and time is the same thing, and our space more or less is what makes the universe.
    The universe probably repeats in cycle, or maybe even we exist in a multiverse. Their were a few documentaries I watched and more and more disciplines of science are starting to convene on that conclusion (I believe it was string theory, quantum theory, and one other that points to the possibility of a multiverse.) If that is the case, their could be like infinite universes, most of them that can't support life, and then a few that just happened of have set up perfectly for life. Interesting stuff to philosophize about for sure, but hard to prove as we can only observe our own universe.
    that link has the documentaries that gave me my info on multiverse theories, just in case anyone is interested.
  4. kinda makes me think that , when I die, my consciousness is gonna appear onto a diff universe ,,since although there is an infinitesimal chance the arrangement of atoms that make me are small , there are an infinite amount of "trials".

  5. That's close to one of my beliefs actually. I believe that when we die (since death is lack of consciousness you can't ever actually experience it) we simply shift our perspective to a newborn entity without any of our memories or previous experiences because those are gone. I guess it's similar to re-incarnation just without a soul, and at some point (since I doubt time has any real meaning outside of consciousness, I am pretty sure its just another spatial dimension) we are really all just one entity living different individual lives.
  6. I think it is the same thing as music or pleasure. We swear we can hear and feel music. And we swear we can have feelings of pleasure. But you can't prove or disprove any of it to anyone else, because it is just a feeling inside you. Just like an entity.
  7. Didn't read your convo yet but I'll just throw my 2 cents here. Kant .categorised reality in two types..the ultra phenomenal reality (or numenal) that's sorta a metaphysical alternate reality separate from the phenomenal reality (or objective reality, the second type). The first type is governed by intuition (also a very complex, and even ancient philosophical subject on which many religions have their foundation on)..God or divinity in genera would theoretically belong to the numenal reality where, as I previously said, the opposite of reason, intuition, is master......and this is why i believe the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven. and btw i think that if you ask some religious scholars on how you can 'know God' their answer will be 'intuition'..

  8. Uhhh...no, there's a shitload of science behindn that...you have auditory organs that contain specialized cells called auditory receptors that are sensible to air vibrations and when stimulated they get the coded messages, send it to the brain (think somewhere in the temporal lobe but not sure), complex interactions start happening electrical impulses create the final product=sensation...it all happens so fast youd say it's instant

  9. Hmmm, I have to admit, I have trouble believing in a ultra phenomenal reality. I believe a divine entity is possible, but explainable maybe not by our laws of physics (as it may have created them) but by some higher laws of a higher reality that govern's it.

    I can agree though to know god is through intuition. When I was younger I strongly believed in it, but saw it more as a neutral entity. I did develop a personal relationship that I continue to foster to this day (though not nearly as often). If such a being does exist, even if its a neutral being that created both right and wrong for whatever reason, I love our creator for giving us this chance. If such a being does not exist, I believe our lives are important and need to be preserved and cherished anyways as we are an incredible fluke.

    Sorry for some of the ramblings, my mind is kinda up there at the moment, I'll revisit your post later to make sure I understood it properly.

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