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Why is weed some kind of wonderdrug?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Uses to alleviate or cure almost any ailment you can come up with.

    Other medicines that made this claim were deemed snake oil.... ANd it just so happens to be primarily an intoxicant? Whats up with that? Is weed magical?
  2. it's just so good that the pharmacology companies would lose a lot of money do to how Great Weed is,its sooooo good that the government made it illegal so the pharmacology companies don't go out of business.

    the pills are killing everyone.and the herb is healing everyone :bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin:
  3. It may be magical also, but it is about CB receptors. The CB1 receptors control the high feelings. The CB2 controls the functioning of the whole body. They act as regulators of metabolic processes. You should check out Granny Storm Crow's list of diseases, and much of this is explained there in more detail.

    Good question IMO.

  4. I'm no expert, but the doctor in Super High Me said that cannaboids aren't even close to as medically efficient as people make them out to be, although they do have a few benefits.

    He may be full of shit, though.
  5. I would agree with this. I see that being stoned clearly has pain killing abilities, and my depression has been helped by smoking cannabis, but other than stuff along those lines, its just like any other illicit drug. If you get high enough on heroin or drunk enough, you'll forget or be able to ignore symptoms as well.

    If weed was such a good medicine, then why couldnt pharmacological companies make money of weed then if it were legal? That argument doesn't make sense to me.

    Jus' sayin'
  6. Let me put it like this, Dale, Would you pay over $1000 a month for Marinol pills, when you can grow your own and make canna-oil for a couple of bucks? AND the home-made stuff gets better results much of the time!

    Legalization will be a disaster for the big pharmaceutical companies. Just as a pain medication, cannabis will save the American people a fair amount of cash! They MAY be able to salvage something from the synthetic cannabinoids, but herbal cannabis will take a big bite out of their profits.

    As for why cannabis is so good? Maybe it is the "Tree of Life" whose leaves are for the healing of nations- for what else is a nation but its people? Or perhaps it's a gift of the great Ganja Goddess? Or maybe we just "hit the jackpot" by chance- it's a big world and has lots of possibilities. Or our distant ancestors recognized the basic healing properties and bred for them? Or could it be that the kindly space aliens engineered it for the poor backward natives of Earth? ;)

    Whatever happened, cannabis heals! :yay:

    Granny :wave:
  7. #7 DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    No, but I would pay for medical grade weed grown by those companies or some like them... Should be cheaper than buying from a dispensary right now as it is.

    So it IS magic?

    Natives used to think tobacco was medicine. They used to sacrifice humans to make crops better. They used to dance to affect the weather.

    Honestly, any other medicine claimed to heal this many things has been deemed fraudulent. Has anyone else noticed that?
  8. Dale, "any other medicine claimed to heal this many things" DOESN'T have over 90 pages (just the titles and URLs) of hundreds of scientific studies supporting those claims! I'll believe the SCIENCE! How about you? Try reading the studies in my list someday.

    And one man's "magic" can be another's "science". Electricity is pretty magical, so are antibiotics, explosives, computers, cars and airplanes. Just depends on how you view things.

    Growing your own is safer and cheaper than buying from any company. And I KNOW what goes into my cannabis. Could you honestly say that about anything you buy from big business? But there will always be a market for those unable, or unwilling, to grow their own. But your own homegrown is BEST- ask any grower!

    Granny :wave:
  9. Granny Storm Crow - you write so well. I love your posts.

  10. #10 DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    I understand that perti dish testing of various levels of pure THC or CBDs can have various effects on various substances both good and bad. But if THC had a market interesting degree of efficiency in treating the spread of Herpes, as in some of those articles, then it would be more studied in that fashion instead of being used simply for its side effects that alleviate symptoms. "Micromolar" levels? What does that even mean? If you douse a cell of herpes in a dish with higher than possible THC levels it will have effects? Most of those studies don't seem to translate to practical medicine, nor are hardly any about tests on living creatures. im sure wd-40 would kill a herpes virus too.

    But nothing but literal magic could effectively treat (as in efficable to use instead of or in comparable success as synthetic chemical drugs) as many ailments as cannabis is purported to.
    Now as far as natural homeopathic preferred treatment, thats a different story that I can understand. But from a practical standpoint, it seems that simply sideeffects of being high or the high itself is a bandaid over symptoms, which most illicit drugs are capable of as well.
  11. #11 Storm Crow, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    Let's start with a couple of 2009 THC studies-

    Inhibition of Glioma Growth in Vivo by Selective Activation of the CB2
    Cannabinoid Receptor1

    They did the usual mouse injected with human cancer cells study and showed that the tumors regressed (gross photos included) and then....

    "Finally, we analyzed the tumors of 2 patients enrolled in a clinical trial aimed at investigating the effect of THC on recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. The patients were subjected to intracranial THC administration, and biopsies were taken before and after the treatment. "

    Their conclusions-
    "These findings describe a mechanism by which THC can promote the autophagic death of human and mouse cancer cells and provide evidence that cannabinoid administration may be an effective therapeutic strategy for targeting human cancers."

    "THC-induced autophagy promotes the apoptotic death of cancer cells."

    Now a second study done on the same tumor patients also revealed that THC slowed the growth of the blood vessels that fed the gliomas.

    Cannabinoids Inhibit the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pathway in Gliomas -- Blázquez et al. 64 (16): 5617 -- Cancer Research

    Their findings-
    "Here, we report that cannabinoid administration inhibits the VEGF pathway in cultured glioma cells, in glioma-bearing mice, and in two patients with glioblastoma multiforme."

    So THC slowed the chemical process that promotes the growth of blood vessels to cancers in petri dishes, in mice, AND in humans.

    So just how are these results like these "a bandaid over symptoms" or the "sideeffects of being high"? :confused: The tumors shrank, the blood vessels growth slowed.

    :confused: Vocabulary for the "science challenged" :confused:

    autophagic/ autophagy= literally self-eating

    apoptopic/apoptosis = cell death

    intracranial= directly into the brain

    vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)= stuff that makes the blood vessels grow faster.

    glioma = brain cancer

    glioblastoma multiforme = nasty type of brain cancer that often comes back

    And lastly just for you, Dale-

    micromolar -
    A concentration of 1/1,000,000 (one millionth) molecular weight per liter (mol/L). Not a heck of a lot, in other words.

  12. #12 DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    All those say is that some amount of THC (could be ridiculously high amount, its hard to tell in many of your sources since a lot of the ones I got to I was redirected to the newest journal edition or a simple abstract) directly injected into a brain tumor through the skull, I don't know about you but I usually just smoke to get high..., can maybe cause shrinking of brain tumors. So would lots of medicines or poisons as well. There isn't enough research there to tell you the extent of the promise these drugs would have. Not to mention, there are probably drugs in trials at this stage that do this better than THC anyways.

    LEast to say, this is in MICE. They can grow human ears on the back of mice too.

    Most of that was discernable from context clues and my training in medical terminology, but thank you.

    Which is still useless information until we know it is comprable to the THC purity and amount in the users brain tumor after smoking a medical joint or something of the like. Injecting pure THC at high levels into a tumor making it die doesnt mean smoking weed will stop your brain tumors. It says to me that pharma companies will look at THCs powers in this rite and will synthesize and refine and partner it with other drugs into a pill or injection for shrinking tumors. None of which has to do with the current medicinal marijuana system in place now.

    There isn't enough to know what may come of as far as practical non-smoking uses medically for cannabis, yet there is a medical marijuana community consisting of thousands of diagnosis that agree their symptoms are better when smoking or otherwise using marijuana to get high. Seems to me that the common link is symptom alleviation, which would lead to such widespread use. And we all know that the symptoms are being relived by being high or the side effects of being high indirectly.
  13. #13 DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    To clarify more. The scientific evidence of THC and its direct and indirect affects on growths, enzyme production or non-production, virus replication, etc, etc. Is in a clearly infant stage. This stage is being taken slowly by the same pharmaceutical companies we're trying to stay away from. If potential medical uses are found from this research, for the serious ailments from your studies, they will be owned by pfizer and come in a pill form. You can be sure if weed cures cancer, it wont have anything to do with rolling papers.

    Seperate that from todays modern medical marijuana situation, where the dirtiest way of testing efficacy (as far as science/medicine are concerned: ie, smoking, using the entire product with a caucophony of ruining variables) is apparantly being seen as a success. That many of these symptoms, be it fatigue, weight loss, appetite, depression, pain, etc, etc while all caused by different things, have one thing in common. Smoking weed, not injecting THC, helps there symptoms. With no special attention to how each of these ailments DIFFER, the same properties of cannabis result a loss or lessening of symptoms. Seems to me the Symptom driven success is based on the fact that you dont feel symptoms when you are high, or feel them less.

    Does anything I say break any logically bounds here?
  14. #14 Sherfire, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    For me, cannabis treats the symptoms that occur when my body dumps out adrenaline to help bring blood sugar levels up. I have Dump-Syndrome because of a nasty allergic reaction I had to a prescription medication....go figure.

    It also works in conjunction with an anti-convulsant to maintain a seizure free life. I had seizures for 7 years and tried all known drug combinations with either little help or unbearable side effects.

    So for me, it is a wonder drug. I'm am utterly useless and may even be dead without it. After years of frustration with the medical teams I took it upon myself to do research and come up with the best solution. Cannabis has given me my life back.


    I have lifelong damage from two of the prescription (pill form) drugs i have taken. One of them(Lamictal) has caused an obscene amount of deaths and could have killed me had I not found out the cause. This is a product that was prescribed for me for what I take cannabis for now.
  15. #15 The Budmaster, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    There are other people more suited to argue the actual medical validity of marijuana as far as helping cure conditions go.

    I do have one question though... you talk about how your perception is that it's a bandaid over the symptoms over most of the conditions it treats.

    What I don't understand is why you think that a drug that can relieve someone of most or all of their symptoms is not a valid drug just because it can also be used recreationally and doesn't cure the condition.

    You do realize that people with long term conditions are not taking pharma drugs to cure their condition, but rather to make their condition manageable. Most pharma drugs out there are for applying a "band-aid" over a condition's symptoms.

    For example, I grow for a couple of people who have severe arthritis. There is no cure for this. The drugs they received before MMJ caused very real and very disturbing side effects in the form of unbelievable mood swings, depression, and completely out of character behavior. Who knows what other damage is being done by taking the cocktail of pharma drugs that they are prescribed as far as actual damage to the body goes.

    Now, the people I grow for are no longer on any type of pharma drug. They can completely manage their condition just with Marijuana. No drugs, no negative side effects like out of character behavior so much where you scare the people around you, and no serious damage to your body. (That's not including any actual positive medical benefits as far as curing or regressing a condition, which Crow has more info on I'm sure...)

    The point is... for most people, they are specifically seeking the (safe) relief of symptoms. If you can do that without damaging your body in another way, you are practically cured. Who gives a fuck if it's only a band-aid over symptoms, it is far safer, far cheaper, and far more healthy to use marijuana than to take pharma drugs which are not only not curing the condition they treat, but are doing very real damage to your body at the same time.

    Why don't pharaceutical companies get in on it? Simple... you can't patent a natural plant. Yes, you could make other drugs with it and patent those, but the fact is that sooo many people already find enough relief just by smoking it. When you then consider that it's infinitely more healthy and safe than pharma drugs, and you can see why pharmaceutical companies would not like to have to compete with it.

    I have to admit though, the fact that you actually said that you can get high enough on heroine or alcohol to make you forget your symptoms... and that puts MJ on the same level as those drugs (Yeah... forget the the fact that heroine fucks up your body like nothing else and has probably killed millions by this point, and alcohol has also killed millions... and then add in that marijuana hasn't EVER killed a single human being... but yeah, somehow they are the same?)... Makes me think that this argument is completely lost on you.

    -The Budmaster
  16. #16 DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    IM not saying a drug that relieves symptoms isnt a real drug, Im just saying a real medicine stops the symptoms from happening whereas it seems weed just makes you too high to notice them, which any intoxicant is capable of.

    Then it would seem the core of my argument has already been lost on you.
  17. This is another backhanded slam on the efficacy of natural medicine in general.

    Dale, this is so basic, it should only be interesting to small children.

    Use the word Cannabis, there is no 'Weed' here in this forum.

    You sound like a jealous alcoholic junkie.

    This is one seriously unobservant individual.

    Analgesic is medicine. Anti-Carcinogenic is medicine. Anti Inflammatory is medicine. And Cannabis is all of these and more.

    You are just a pool of wasted youth, DaleGribble.

    Don't come into the Medical forum with your beer goggles on.:D
  18. Well please enlighten us, because his arguments are making perfect sense and hes not being in the least bit disrespectful... So please, do tell :rolleyes:

  19. So, by your logic opiates aren't "real" drugs either.
  20. #20 DaleGribble, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
    Thank you. I believe that is obvious to anyone with critical thinking and the ability to put passion aside for objectivity.

    I have yet to see how smoking marijuana can be anticarcinogenic. Analgesics dull nerves, not make you ignore them. And as far as weed being anti-inflammatory, yet also a dialator and an increaser of blood pressure, again, must be magic.

    I'm not wasted youth at all. Just because I drink alcohol you claim I'm an alcoholic? And Ive never used an opiate recreationally in my life, only after knee surgery when smoking INCREASED my joint pain and opiates indeed alleviated it. And why would I be jealous??? Get a clue.

    Theres something to be said when there are comparable amounts of people in the medical marijuana "community" that are simply getting high to those that are only doing it for medical reasons. Seems that taking medicine that gets you high is a better option every time to me...

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