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Why Is this so smelly?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 944atl, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. So I've bought a few different strains of weed from this guy on a few separate occasions. This time I bought some fire kush from him (6 g). He bagged it in 3 small blue bags (2g each) and since I normally smoke at work, I left 2 bags at home and one in the car. Well I knew that the wee was smelly because I could smell it as soon as I met with the guy.

    Anyways, I wrapped the bag in the car with 2 more bags and rolled it up in a towel in the glove box. Well, i go out to the car this motmot and it smells like I'm growing in joke.

    I've bought exotics from him before (I don't remember the names butniv always paid 15-20/g and it's always been really good bud. I always kept it in my car and it never smelled like that.

    Is kush known to be a "skunkier" weed. I immediately noticed a different high. Normally i just chill and watch tv (more of an indica feeling) on this weed, even after 2 or 3 good hits from a bowl I am looking for something to do. Today I just went to YouTube on my iPhone and searched "chill music" and turned off all the lights and felt like I was literally in the music...not that you guys really care haha.

    So, is there any way for me to hide the smell of this weed?

    Is there anything to do to get rid of the smell that's already set in?

    Is kush known to be stinkier? He said it's a "fire" kush which I know means really potent.


    thanks for the answers
  2. Use an airtight glass container (such as a mason jar). A sealable plastic container (such as a pill bottle) will limit the smell but only glass will completely seal away the odor in my experience.

    Also, mmmmmmmm. I love it when my car stinks of weed.
  3. Lmao I like that smell too, But I drive a red 1984 Porsche 944 that cops LOVE to pull over and I'm SURE they would love the fact that my car reaks of weed too...haha.
  4. Oh nice! Post a pic?

    As far as getting the smell out the only thing I can suggest is to drive with the windows down. You could also try one of those air fresheners you hang from the mirror?

    If you have incense and don't mind a bit of dust you could just burn a stick in your car.

  5. OMFG I've only ever been pulled over in my uncle's carrera.:mad:

    WHAT is my little audi not flashy enough.?!?!
  6. Lol Ill post a pic when I get home...but when I first got it, I didn't hve a tag yet and I got pulled over 5 or 6 times in 3 days. I was like DAMN I just bought this thing. But yea a 20 year old kid going a little over the speed limit in an old Porsche in a suit and tie is like candy to a cop I'm sure.
  7. OK so heres a pic. I buffed her a little more the other day with some rubbing compund, but didn't take pics...It's even more shiny. Fun car to drive though.


    Does anyone know if kush is "stinkier" or is more potent weed stinkier? What exactly does stinky weed mean if anything. lol
  8. yeah great stuff man. a jar is good but isn't too portable so just use a medicine perscription bottle. thats what i do. :D its portable, keeps it fresh and keeps it from reeking up your car. its gotta be something air tight

  9. that is a sexy fucking car.
  10. yea i had an o of super sklunky sour D i brought a 5 sack to school and the guy didnt want it so i had to carrry it around all day and it made mt backpack REEK from a 5 sack too lol but yea i stored an o of that in a mason jar and it wasnt too bad...

    ps funny story i opened it in my room and my mom walks upstairs a while later and i basically had to tell her i had stomach issues and was farting a lot :p
  11. generally the stinkier the better ;)
  12. That car is the sex.
  13. I figured. This is the best weed I've got from the guy, even though I've paid the same. The other times it's always been some exotic strain that he claims he actually knows the name and I'm always like yea whatever and buy it to try it out. This time, all he knew was that it was a kush, it was fire, and it tastes like fruit loops. Its the bomb. I can't wait to get back from my haircut so I can smoke another bowl haha.

    P.S the pouring out of bud smell as soon as you open the door makes it even sexier. I'm thinking about painting it though. Red is too...I don't know cliche for that car. I've got a friend who owns a body shop over by six flags. I may get him to paint it glossy white and airbrush some sick designs on it. Who knows.

    Thanks for the comments.

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