Why Feminism is Wrong

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by rollinjoints, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. I'm of the opinion that modern feminism tries to victimize women and demonize men.
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pPGijYBaVE]Dr. Warren Farrell on BBC: Five Myths About Men & Male Power - YouTube[/ame]
    Share your thoughts.
  2. #2 Zera, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2012
    I wouldn't say Feminisim is wrong--at least not the variety of feminisim that says "men and women should be treated fairly as equals and have equal rights and responsibilities," but I am not of the opinion that women are always victims, and men are always the asshole. That bullshit feminisim pisses me off.

    I remember during my college orientation, there was a program that was supposed to "educate us about sexual violence."
    They had us sit in a room, and basically told us all sex is rape.

    If either party has any alcohol in their system at all, he raped her.
    If he didn't verbally ask before unbuttoning her pants while they were making out, he raped her.
    If both parties consented to having sex, they had sex, and the next morning, she regretted it and wished she hadn't, then Girl, you didn't make a bad decision, you were raped! You should come to the women's center for counseling.

    I probably shouldn't have, but I flat out interrupted the presenters. No, its not rape. I would be %100 on the side of the poor guy who is now being accused of being a rapist for having consensual sex. Are you saying women can't make valid choices about sex? I find that offensive. If you're going to say women aren't allowed to make valid bad decisions, that's the same as saying they can't make valid good decisions either. I'm pretty sure I'm capable of knowing whether I'm willing to have sex or not, thank you very much, I don't need you telling me that I actually don't want sex that I do.

    And if I were male, I'd probably have gotten in trouble for blurting out the common sense that that isn't rape. So more sexism there.

    I'm all for equality feminism, but all this "women need support" and "women are victims" and "men are evil and always trying to hurt women" bullshit needs to stop. It is not helping anyone. It makes women into weak, fragile, spineless creatures, who can't take care of themselves (sound familiar, history?) and demonizes about half of the population for their genitals. It actually gets in the way of real rape victims and people who suffer from domestic violence. When you decide everything is rape and domestic violence, the real and serious cases can get lost in all the useless "and then he told me my dress looked bad. I think he's trying to manipulate me" bullshit. (Not to mention male victims of domestic violence, who according to these people, either don't exist or "must have deserved it.")

    I just hate it when people who claim to be standing up for women are actually spreading around the idea that women are stupidly emotional, incapable of logic, and weak of mind themselves. It's so fucking stupid.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Wow - good question! I was thinking about this the other day, actually. I was a girl during the "burning our bras" era. When I was in high school, girls weren't allowed to letter in soccer, only boys (although our team beat the boys' team in a "grudge match" game designed to put us in our places). I took a law class in high school, as the only girl, and had an opponent argue (in front of a visiting judge) that the judge should decide against me, because, as a girl, I was unable to think logically, therefore my arguments must be wrong.
  4. This may blow up soon.
    Might want to activate your flameshield if you post here.
  5. Yeah I totally agree with you O.P. Another point no one touches on is all the societal norms that favour women, particularly the one where the man is supposed to be the money earner while the woman stays at home, I'd be a househusband any day over having to work elsewhere. I personally can't see where women don't have equality, I can however see where men don't have equality. Feminists in 2012 is just ludicrous in our developed countries.
  6. humans in general are pretty fucking stupid. i dont expect us to work out sexism. its been a problem since the begining of time hahaha
  7. I thought you were Zeddy, the grasscity feminist, for a second lmao.

    But yeah, I'm not saying feminism is wrong, I'm saying modern feminism is wrong. The old feminism that is about fairness and equality in rights is correct, but that feminism hasn't existed for quite some time, because it has mostly achieved its goal.
  8. #8 9D3, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2012
    I'm loving this thread.

    In college I lived with a fucked up couple (read: crazy girlfriend). She'd actually go around trying to start arguments with him. It was so obvious that all she wanted to do was have something to argue/fight about. She would hit him, scratch him, etc. Then when he'd hold her arms to stop her, she'd threaten to call the cops and call it abuse. There was one night we were hanging out in his room with the door locked, and no joke, she was throwing herself at the door because he wouldn't open it. That door has cracks in it now.

    It was just fucked to see, and even though I was only a witness to it, it made me so god damn angry! If she were a guy, she would've had the shit kicked out of her for what she did. Since she's a girl and society is the way it is, you just have to sit back in extreme anger and press the "ignore" button in your mind. Can't even defend because you know the courts will favour her. So all you can do is smoke a lot of pot to calm yourself down.

    What made it funny though, is that she was a psych student yet she was the crazy fucked-in-the-head one in the house. She'd go around trying to point out his personality flaws to make him feel like shit meanwhile it's plain as day to us that she's completely insane.

    edit: I bolded the part that makes this post relate to the thread, because it's mainly a rant...
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  9. Feminists drive me effing bonkers but then again any extremest drives me bonkers...

  10. yeah, I agree with you.

    I just went off on a tangent, complaining about some of the things in modern feminisim that piss me off.

    I actually didn't watch the video until after I posted that.

    Also about the video, all 5 of the myths that this guy busts, are exactly as he says--myths. I agree with most of what he says.

    The one time where I can say I actually disagree with this guy is when he talks about how women were treated historically. He talks about men and women having different roles in the past and pretties it up, glossing over the fact that in the past, women were also treated as property and generally considered to be mentally deficient and legally treated as minors. He's right that they weren't slaves, but they were treated like second class citizens, not just people who had different sets of responsibilities.

    I'd like to draw attention to the part of the video that says "...the women's movement shifted from egalitarian to non-egalitarian. That women should have the right to decide who gets custody of their children [but the father doesn't get that right]. That women should have the right to join the military, but not the obligation. That women should have the right to take sexual initiative, but men should have the expectation. The idea of rights for women, but leaving the obligations with men"
    I think that women should have all these rights, but they should have the responsibilities too. I don't think anyone should be drafted into the military, but if there's a draft, it should include women. If women are culturally allowed to take sexual initiative, they should not expect a man to ask them out all the time making vague hints at him and expect him to do all the work (I practice this one. I've actually never been in a relationship I didn't initiate). That women should be financially independent, and can ask men on dates, but the man should still pay for the date and everything she does. That's quite rude, in my opinion. It's ingrained into our heads that a man not paying is being impolite, but isn't a woman who requires a man to pay for everything on dates before he can get to know he better is being quite rude. (My system is this: if I asked, I pay for the date. If I offer to pay, I actually mean it, and won't do something stupid like getting mad if someone accepts the offer).

    I'm going into engineering, which is a male dominated field, but I don't want to get a job because of a "politically correct" double standard enforced by companies trying to have as close to equal numbers of men and women as possible, I want to get a job because of my actual credentials, and do well at it. But there are those out there who think that a female engineer "deserves" some help getting a job, just because it's a male dominated industry, whether she's a good engineer or a shitty one. That's not equality, that's treating the woman as if she's handicapped regardless of whether or not she is.
  11. You do realize that the women that are "men haters" and what-have-you are not feminists, right? Geez, sometimes I feel like I'm the only guy that actually understands what feminism is all about.

    Whenever a marginalized group tries to stand up and fight back against inequality they somehow get labeled as a supremacist organization or hate group. The same exact thing happened with the Black Panthers in the 70s.
  12. Modern feminists are men haters-at least the ones I've heard. They set up incredible double standards between men and women. And I don't think they can be compared to the Black Panthers. As far as old school feminism, I'm down with its premise. Creating political equality among men and women. The same thing the Black Panthers wanted (and defense against racist police). Modern feminism focuses on attacking traditional gender roles, victimizing women and such, which I think leads them to failure.

    Yeah, I agree. When feminism was first born out of the abolitionist movement, most women couldn't even express political thought without being scorned. It was definitely useful then, when women couldn't own land or run for office.

  13. Why are you trying to distinguish "modern feminism" and "traditional feminism"? There is only one feminism, and women who are actively trying to purport female as superior to male (I can't think of a single person, and I'd really love for you to give me a name of even one activist who believes that) are not feminists. You, like the majority of the male population, clearly are not familiar with the feminist movement so how can you make any accurate argument against it?
  14. Feminism was originally about equality between genders. Modern feminism is about making women superior to men
    • Like Like x 1
  15. He's obviously talking about people who call themselves feminists. Stop arguing semantics, stop pretending you're wiser and better than everyone

  16. And you can kindly fuck off and refrain from making sweeping assumptions of me. I am being sincere. And, in cases like this, semantics are of utmost importance.
  17. I call it modern feminism because it is ... modern ... feminism. Women who actively label themselves feminists in the 21st century usually fit the description of what I've gone over. An easy example: Skepchick.
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRjpJ8Hz88c]Skepchick's "grandeur delusion" - YouTube[/ame]
  18. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmRDUcbx9tw]Bill Maher on "making women nod" - YouTube[/ame]
  19. I love pussy
  20. There is a difference. Please educate yourself.

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