Why does the forum look like this?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by flowmo, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. :(

    Only in firefox.
  2. That's strange when I have GC open in Fire Fox it looks completely normal.
  3. It's definitely on my end, but I can't figure out why. Cleared cookies and what not, no help. It suddenly happened yesterday.
  4. Internet explorEr for The win :smoke:
  5. I had that happen once. Dunno how I fixed it but I did.
  6. Mine kind of turned into that when we were having the latest batch of problems on the site, but it went back to normal.
  7. If you are over 40

  8. I posted an image. No sigs, white background, no color, different fonts. It's all messed.
  9. Yeah wasnt popping up quick enough.

    This reminds me of when they were doing upgrades. I got this a few times. ITs like its not displaying the CSS code.
  10. I use firefox and it works normal for me, I am on a mac though if that has anything to do with it.
  11. Use Google chrome
  12. LOL! I refreshed the page three times before I caught on that it was a screen shot. :p

    I'm using Firefox...which is about to get fired if it keeps aggravating me...but I'm not having this issue. It happens once in a blue moon for me but usually a refresh fixes it.

    Have you logged out and cleared your cookies and all of that good stuff yet? As simple as it sounds, it helps some issues. :)

  13. Yep yep. No luck there. I switched over to Chrome until the problem fixes itself. I just prefer firefox really.
  14. Well that's strange...works fine for me as well also running firefox.

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