Why does smoking decline

Discussion in 'General' started by Easy Going, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Ive noticed that as people get older they stopped smoking as much or just stop smoking all together. Why do you think that is?

    I mean, i hear some people say "oh, i used to smoke back in my day but now im at a different stage of my life" "when I was younger i used to, not anymore".

    But why is it that they never stopped drinking?

    Its more destructive.. I would figure it would be the opposite.. But no, naturally it seems like people go through phase of smoking and then seem to just drift away from it.

    What do you blades think? :smoke:
  2. #2 DebbyDowner, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    they just want to be in with the in crowd bra drinkings cool smoking isn't at that age because it's thought of as something irresponsible children do, in other words there's a stigma due to the precedents set by irresponsible children who have failed in life

    see the paradox though: trying to remain in with the in crowd is kinda childish

    Edit: Or they just want to obey the law like a good sheep, even though they really want to rip bongs.
    Possibly they have more to lose at that age as well.

    there's probably more
  3. my best guess would be availability :confused_2:

    nobody wants to buy from someone half their age
  4. You guys brought up two good points that basically seal the deal. Idk why i over looked them lol
  5. I don't want to smoke weed forever, so i can imagine they finally said fuck this... :confused_2:
  6. Having kids is probably another reason. I dont see any difference between stopping smoking and stopping drinking.when you have kids but ive heard it a few.times
  7. I think it has been touched upon above. Another reason may be that they weren't really into it in the first place or didn't have the discipline to use it without maintaining their priorities. But what do I know about it, nearly 55 and smoken. ;) :smoke:
  8. Maybe they have a career where they are tested more often, maybe they stopped for their kids, maybe they stopped for their significant other, or maybe they just outgrew it. It could be anything.
  9. most people stop because it's illegal and they aren't going to risk the wellness of their family for a quick high.
  10. Lol obviously they all moved onto harder..... Big boy drugs ya dig it? Ya know the famous grasscity "Unmentionables." no it is not my genitals.
  11. I think if they have more to lose, like a family or career, the high isn't worth the potential legal consequences. That's my best guess.
  12. Because people change as they get older.
  13. They're fucking pussies, that's my best guess.

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