why does my girl look like this?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by onpoint55, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. can someone tell me why her leaves might be looking like this?

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  2. Those are just the cotyledons, baby leaves that always fall off/die. So long as the new leaves look fine, you should be good.
  3. Ok that makes me feel a lot better. I never heard of cotyledons, time to do more research! should i just pull those leaves off of let them be
  4. I don't think it matters one way or the other but personally I'd leave them and let nature take its course.
  5. I agree with cranegame, they usually fall off by the time the second or third set of true leaves start to show up.
  6. I'd leave them and let them fall off; or crust up before I pulled them.your plant will thank you for it. :smoke:
  7. I get that on some of mine too. They grow healthy otherwise.
  8. How much light you have and are you using a fan on her?
  9. I just have two 90w LEDS with no fan.

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