why does it always happen.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by shroomer310, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. god gives me happiness for a month or two, then its a year of sadness.. why cant you let me be happy!!
  2. What God do you subscribe to? (Serious question)
  3. Because you believe some deity (who by the way, does NOT exist) has control of your life.

    We all have share the exact same destiny, and that is to die. I suggest you take control of your own life and make of it whatever you want to. Don't leave it in the hands of some fairy tale the grown-ups told you about when you were 4 years old.
  4. While I myself am not religious, I think it is your right to believe in any God you want. So here's my advice: You control your own emotions, (If you believe it) God does not control your emotions, emotions are products of the human mind. It is possible to make any situation better with your mind, and any God who thinks thinking is wrong, then I don't mean to preach, but he isn't a very good God.
  5. I won't say arrogant shit like "god does NOT exist", but isn't it the Christian consensus that god stopped getting involved in "earthly matters" a long time ago to give humans free will? And why do you think god specifically manipulates your circumstances and neurotransmitters to make you depressed?
  6. Man, you're a religious person so what I'm going to say should make total sense to you:
    You have faith in God. If you truly have faith in your God (I still don't know what religion you subscribe to) you will take the good and the bad and have faith in what he is doing. If you don't, then you should take a step back and open your mind to new religious/spiritual paths.

    I hope you find happiness and peace, friend.
  7. Good post.

    All I would say is that blame will get one nowhere except upset and frustrated. Therefore, before you put faith in God, find the faith you've always had in yourself deep down. If you didn't have faith in yourself, how could you have faith you have faith in God? [<-- Yes that was written correctly.]
  8. Who are you to say that God (or Jah, Allah, etc.) doesn't exist? And way to mock every religion in existence. How could you possibly know?

    That said, I'm Agnostic leaning more toward the "he/she/it doesn't exist" side.
  9. Hey man, sorry this is kind of off topic but I used to call myself Agnostic, but we actually fall under the Atheism category. We are with out(a) theism and we don't know what happens when we die. I found out recently that Agnostic basically means you believe in God but just can't prove his existence, whereas an Atheist doesn't claim to know what happens when we die. I used to think Atheism meant "WE DIE, THAT'S IT", but it's not that at all...just the extremist Atheists. Sorry if you are an Agnostic and sorry if I come off as a dick, I really do have good intent.
  10. That's the problem with bi-polar gods. They are Created by bi-polar people.

    The real question is, why don't you wish to create your own happiness? And why do you feel victimized by circumstance?

    Start building your foundation on truth, and not a baseless accusation against unknown forces you don't even attempt to understand.

    The truth is, you've had some things work out the way you wanted, and some failed to. No divination required.

    Cut back the weakness, reinforce what is strong.

    And don't wait for answers from above, that are really inside of you.
  11. I'm not saying there is no God at all (although I see that what I said before doesn't really say that), I'm saying that people shouldn't believe in institutionalized religions since the main function of these is to keep people in line.

    I don't know whether or not there is a God and I don't really care. I'd rather accept ignorance than make up a bunch of shit that will help me sleep at night.

    Who's more arrogant: The one who claims to have the answers to the unanswerable? Or the one who knows and accepts no one knows just as much anyone else doesn't know the answers to these questions?

    Christians bend their own religion to suit whatever they need to explain or justify. You say it is Christian consensus that God abandoned earthly matters, I didn't know Christians could rebel against what their god planned and just throw that out the window because they want to feel like they have a free will.

    Well, if you really believe in all of that then you're fucked because you're future has already been planned by your imaginary friend who'll probably send you to burn in hell for eternity even though he loves you with all his heart.
  12. I feel you... were on a quest and we just have to stay along with it... ur minds in on it all... just do ur best and be positive... things will change...
  13. Don't confuse divine intervention with hormonal imbalances. ;)
  14. I'm a little confused here. Are religion and death assumed to be synonymous?
  15. well what i meant by this post is that, well first of all, i dont really believe in all that organized god stuff, just that there has to be some greater force out there that just idly watches as all these things happen and just out of interest throws us a couple hurricanes and earthquakes..

    and well the 'greater force' always seems to get a joy or something out of seeing me suffer. i mean sure i try to live the best life possible, but its almost impossible because of the options im given. he gives me an almost perfect girl and just takes her away from me, just like that. i get a job, and have to suffer from the hours because well its what im only qualified to do. and everything i try to plan out to do good for me always turns to shit, no matter how hard i try to make the best out of it.. it has me really bummed. at first i didnt understand why people would get depressed if life was so fun, but it hit me hard and understood it tenfold.. i never thought of suicide running through my mind, but lately, i dont know you guys.

  16. It doesnt throw us hurricanes and earthquakes no different as the opportunity you percieve as "suffering". Everything you mention hating in life is entirely situational, merely a set of possibilities. That girl you speak of is no different than 4 billion other girls. Life is fun in its opressive state because at those times, it gives you reflection and if you can grasp it, understanding of its design.

    Not that I dont understand the female and job situations, because in those cases, Im far worse off then you. However, you have had the benefit of opportunity and experience. Is that not a leg up (maybe you would call blessing) in itself?
  17. #18 Pastafarian, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2009
    Earth is a dynamic planet which is constantly changing. The outer shell is made up of thin, rigid plates that move relative to each other. The discovery of these plates lead to the theory of plate tectonics, which was formulated during the early 1960's. Scientists use plate tectonics to explain many geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as mountain building and the formation of the oceans and continents. RAGING PLANET

    We live on a cooling planets crust, God does not throw hurricanes and earthquakes at us they are natural phenomenons that are easily explained by science.

    God is probable to busy coming up with new diseases to kill babies, he's pissed we wiped out small pox and swine flu.
  18. #19 ryeguy, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2009
    This reeks of a troll posting, attempting to stir up contempt in both the Atheist and Theist sides. If not, my apologies.

    No, not my apologies for misunderstanding, my apologies to you for this:

    If there is a god, why would he/she/it give a shit about your singular life, in particular, how your months went?

    Are you a puppet on strings? I'm assuming that you are a Christian. Even the bible suggests that their god gave free will to humans. When you imagine that he/she/it is in control, you create those strings and attach them to a puppeteer of your own making.

    I don't care if you believe in god or not, but when you remove blame from yourself, it only cheapens the experience of failure that could have been so useful to your own growth.

    Besides, you're not supposed to question god, right? Now go be a good little theist and endure 'till the rapture takes you.

    I want you to take a look at this post. This Bunneh guy seems to be having a shitty time of it too, doesn't he? But who does he blame? Some invisible man in the sky? No. He takes responsibility for his life. He may need a bit of a kick to the ass to get him on the right track, but at least he has the reigns in his own hands.
  19. man dude, looking back to my posts, this thread is stupid. im generally a happy person and look at life in a sort of twisted comedic way.

    i dont know man. when i get happy im really happy. or when im mad i get too pissed. and depression, i hate depression because it makes me look at the darkest side of my life and makes me feel worse. but i usually understand how my depression plays out. its always just really debilitating for work and school. im always contemplating the worst of my life. i dont know who or what god is, or if there even is a god, but man does it control everything so freaking unpredictably. well this thread was made in my week of depression. alls well and ends well i guess.

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