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Why does getting high make you think about the world and space?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by yun444g, Apr 12, 2023.

  1. Maybe this is just a me thing, but seriously every time I get high enough I just start to get really entranced by the idea of space and just how crazy it is that it seems to go on and on forever. How we’re just floating in space. How there could be aliens out there just watching us. Or that WE could be in a simulation, a video game of sorts, and others are just watching us. It just makes me think of everything in a super zoomed-out way, like “whoa dude we’re all just little ants marching around” type of thing.

    I’m guessing this isn’t a super rare thought process. I’m just wondering though, WHY do we think this way when we’re high? Is there some old philosophy, some established school of thought out there that emphasizes/expands on this way of thinking?
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  2. helps open the 3rd eye.
    • Like Like x 4
  3. I think about sex.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 2
  4. I think about supper
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. I think about what is most on my mind.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I often get my own personal remix of a song stuck in my head
    • Winner Winner x 2
  7. Like I
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. cause it's fucking weed
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  9. Wish I had cooking skills and good enough bud to make edibles, sounds amazing and I can’t get high it seems from smoking.

    Strange bizarre stuff to watch on Netflix ?
    Strange bizarre stuff to watch on Netflix ?
  10. Yes. Every single time I get high.
    I think cannabis can be a catalyst for thinking outside ourselves.
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  11. The older I get, the more anxiety I get. I was super flying a few days ago and I woke up jumping out of bed thinking someone was pounding on my door in the middle of the night. Scared the crap out of me.
  12. Hay, @ultrmaxx, I tried to quote you but something isn't working on my editor.

    I do nothing but edibles. Just trying to save a little bit of lung. I've been making edibles for about 4 years and trying everything I could to make it better. The last couple of days I've been putting 1/2 oz of raw bud in 1 cup coconut oil in a pint jar decarbing it in a pint jar in a pot full of mineral oil. Heat the meneral oil to 240 in a pan on the stove and the coconut oil and budd in the microwave to about 220 (don't go for 240 yet). Bubbles start at about 220 F. Shortly after the coconut oil hits 240 F the bubbles stop. Let it cool and strain it. It has as near perfect decarb as you can get because you saw the CO2 leave the oil and at the lowest temperature it can happen on the kitchen stove. And it's infused and ready to use.

    IF YOU DO THIS JUST REMBER THE MENERAL OIL IS HOTTER THAN BOILING WATER!!!, there's just bubbles!!! And don't get any of it in your c-oil. That would litteraly be the S*it's.

    My cookies don't make make me see a lot of E.T's, but I lose a lot of time and sometimes find myself talking to no one. Probally just the cookies.
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  13. I've been smoking weed for 22 years, doctor says my lungs are fine. I've never heard or seen of anyone getting any type of lung disease from just smoking weed. Cigarettes are completely different containing over 7,000 chemicals over 60 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer. You do you, but dont spread nonsense of saving a lung from not smoking weed.
  14. Yet you are spreading the same nonsense lol. Just cause you haven't experienced it yourself don't mean it can't happen. Do a little research, smoking weed over time can definitely cause a variety of issues to your lungs and health. I smoke everyday and am in no way some anti weed person but I can't stand when people say shit like smoking weed can't harm your lungs or health. That's total BS.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Me and my brother used to always get loaded and gaze up at the stars and just talk about what ifs with space and aliens and such. It's especially awesome when you are out camping or somewhere city lights and pollution don't clog up the sky so you can actually see the stars. Good times.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. I was a 65 year cigarette smoker before I quit. That and over 50 years of pot. Besides, edibles take a while to work but last a long time.

    My doctor may be coming around now. He was really interested in why I asked for a new "blue pill" prescription. I told him it was the pot.

    One of the strangest things I've seen when stoned was one of the trees in the back yard was in the wrong place. My son says the "matrix got off."
  17. When I'm stoned, which is almost all the time, I picture space as infinity and our universe as a speck drifting around in it with other universes. All the universes have leaks, "black holes", and the stuff that leaks out forms a single point and a new Big Bang. WOW! A new universe.

    That's if I use Chocolope. On the other hand Critical Mass just puts me to sleep.
  18. Decarb 1 gram of weed 240 F for 40 minutes
    Grind to dust and mix with butter making paste
    Heat paste 220 F for 20 minutes
    Quarter it. Quarter again.
    Take 1
    Wait 2 hours
    Take 2 more
    Wait 2 hours
    Take 4 more
    Wait 2 hours
    Take 8 more or just eat it all at this point if not hammered.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Pure BS!!! DON'T be spreading crap like that. Someone might believe it. Oil is oil. Your body fluids aren't designed or capable of desolving that kind of oil. Sooner or later look for the balance to shift, or maybe not.

    I don't knock smoking pot at all. I'd still be smoking if I could. I'm not sure that that "no one" I talk to sometimes isn't really there, but then I've eaten a cookie so who knows. There are some really weird dreams that seem to happen with longer continuous highs. Edible highs last about (they say) 5 times longer than smoking.

    Daytime awake dreams are kind of strange. They only last a few seconds. Anybody else ever have them?
  20. I've tried your recipes and they are every bit as good as you say.

    What I find is people have too much trouble with temperatures and arn't getting a good decarb job. As an example, a woman that grows with us was saying her cookies weren't getting her high. She brought her butter over and we decarbed it again watching for bubbles. CO2 bubbles started at 220 f and stopped about 30 minutes later at just under 240. She was trying decarb in an old toster oven and it wasn't working.

    She needs her good cookies and her hitter all ready to go, Skinwalker Ranch starts a new season in s couple of days. You gotta have a smoke or at least a cookie to watch Skinwalker Ranch.

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