Why do you smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by Ashine, May 12, 2011.

  1. It helps my social anxiety. Also, being high is just great
  2. getting high, the social part of it and the way you think while high. good shit man:smoke:
  3. To help appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

    I'm convinced God put weed on Earth for poor people so they can see the simple treasures all around them.
  4. Its a way of life
  5. It numbs the pain of everyday lifes bullshit.
  6. That too.
  7. #27 kpiN, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    because i need my daily dose of stupid to live in this society

    omg did he just say weed makes you stupid?

  8. this is my other
  9. to chill and get educated

  10. Maybe it's just you but I'm a brighter individual, both mentally and spiritually, because of the herb. The box was broken and now I can go in and out at will, and that makes me more intelligent than quite a few people.
  11. I smoke because it keeps my ass out of trouble being that there is nothing to do in my town. But I also smoke because I enjoy it, helps me keep me sane.

    Keeps me peaceful lol
  12. I love the whole ritual of it and I love being alone getting high in nature. So I guess i just like the feeling of it.

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