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Why do stoners have girlfriends?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Yoda23467, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. #1 Yoda23467, Aug 5, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
    weed Is the most enjoyable thing by far on the planet. I've done everything and of course alcohol. So my question Is This, why do stoners need relationships when weed, a beer or two and an Xbox Is as good as It gets? Can anyone understand this? My dealer has a girlfriend and I'm just thinking,dude ditch the girl and come from work(he has a job to) and enjoy yourself. Weed tops women hands down. If weed were legalized I could easily go the rest of my life a virgin.
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  2. Edit the drugs out of your post (alcohol and weed are fine tho of course)

  3. Why do stoners have girlfriends? Because a girl feels better then your right hand:confused_2:

    & you're wrong there's nothing better then weed a few beers and playing PS4 Xbox sucks :laughing::laughing:
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  4. & also fuck being a virgin your whole life you know how good pussy tastes? Imagine being high and having the munchies and eating your favorite food its like that but 100x better:jump::ey:
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  5. How can you make a fair comparison if you're a virgin?

    Some good pussy will change your mind
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  6. Get laid and you might rethink your opinion haha
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  7. Having a wife is like having a best friend that you can have sex with and smoke down. Id rather have my wife than be single, hands down.
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  8. You'll change your opinion about this as soon as you have someone to smoke with who's naked lying naked next to you.
    Those remote controls will be the furthest thing from your mind.

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  9. as many others have said... dat sweet, sweet poon. taste better than any bud ive ever smoked

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  10. Yeah, like others have said...Once you get some good pussy you won't ever say this again!

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  11. Ahhhhhhh to be young again...
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  12. Why do stoners have girlfriends ? ..... well if you don't have one who's gonna get those hard to reach snacks during couchlock ? ..... Plan ahead dude ..... plan ahead :weed:
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  13. I'd take sex over weed any day

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  14. To each his own. Personally, I would rather take a couple dabs, play Zelda for a few hours, and then fuck my girl, eat a sandwich she made me (just kidding, well kind of, she does make me sandwiches sometimes) and go to sleep
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  15. Because humans are actually social creatures who benefit in numerous ways from establishing long term relationships. Bud, beer and video games are great and all but limiting one's self to only those experiences is a sad existence.
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  16. Weed and a good woman is better than stinkin' video games dude.
    Try it out
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  17. Being married soo long (probably as long as you've been alive)- going on to 21 years married.... I'd rather have my wife (although ...the sex life isn't what it once does slow down- we used to fuck like it's more like 2-3 times a week). Soo...weed is good in the off time, plus I get a dry mouth soo bad that eating her out doesn't get her off as well. I'll pound the shit out of her though..
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  18. Sounds like you need to meet a cool ass stoner chick but good luck you don't sound like you deserve such a mythical creature

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  19. Shit, I'm a virgin too, but I'd way rather have sex than smoke weed any day

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  20. As a virgin myself, I get what you are saying. As a male, I have no clue what in the hell you mean by this. Chasing pussy is biological to the core. Playing videogames is a tremendous waste of time that only feeds my appetite for gambling, which is a TERRIBLE addiction. Methinks your priorities are hella twacked, son, but I totally understand your pain of not getting laid. IT SUCKS!
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