Why do some consider abortion murder?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by m00zix, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. I'm specifically targeting an argument on this subject to gain further insight on it. The ole, "the fetus has the POTENTIAL to be a human/life, therefore it's murder/impedes or the fetus' rights (or soon to be rights :confused::confused:)." I've summed up the argument for the sake of your attention span, but surely you see where I'm going with this.

    Why should the POTENTIAL to be a human/life be just as significant as a living (not trying to show any bias,) walking, breathing human being? Why should these little sacks of "life" have any rights at all? Has the judicial system already set a precedence on this matter by convicting murders with multiple homicides from killing a pregnant woman ergo according to the judicial system a fetus inherently has rights?

    Allow me to set a baseline for the definition of life-
    the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

    For the luls:
  2. I agree with you, I really don't understand pro-life arguments much..
  3. It's really quite simple, but you can't convince a bible thumper to consider logic. If their magical book says it, they have to follow blindly like the sheep they are.
  4. #4 mushroomsatsuji, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2012
    I consider anyone in support of abortion to not have any respect for me or my life. Thus I have none for them

    I am no bible thumper either

    I can't see how it can be considered a right in any way
  5. But how is abortion any different from masturbation?
    You're ending a potential life...but one without any guarantee of living.
    If an abortion is the difference between being able to make rent and being on the streets, why is getting the abortion so wrong?

    Nobody is advocating abortion as a form of birth control, but how is it a life when it's a parasite growing inside a woman's body without any possibility of survival without being carried to term or through a massive amount of machines?

    You may not be a "bible thumper"...but are you a Christian?
  6. I agree. I support abortion if you are unable to give your child the best possible opportunities you can give him. With that being said, I really would like to hear how abortion (at least to a certain extent in development) is any different than masturbation in this context ahahaha
  7. I don't think it's right. But I'm not in that position.
  8. If you can't provide for it, put it up for adoption
  9. I would love to hear you elaborate your position, unless you haven't given this subject much thought. But then I ask... Why form an opinion on it?
  10. [quote name='"m00zix"']
    I agree. I support abortion if you are unable to give your child the best possible opportunities you can give him. With that being said, I really would like to hear how abortion (at least to a certain extent in development) is any different than masturbation in this context ahahaha[/quote]

    when you masturbate you release sperm that has potential to create life...sperm won't grow into a baby, a fetus will?

  11. first off. your post is ignorant.


    I was adopted

    and im damn glad that i wasnt aborted.
  12. I'm pro-life but I believe that choices are choices.
    A friend of mines got an abortion and I called her a murderer but then I quickly followed up with a "I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. I meant "oh" "
    Someone mentioned giving the baby up for adoption and I believe that should at least be considered before going through a painful, HIGHLY regrettable decision
  13. A fetus will not necessarily grow in to a baby, but I acknowledge your point. No one has yet to explain why potential translates into "life" or a fetus having rights, though :(
  14. #14 Grimm420, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2012
    potential life? they also have the potential to be serial child molesters, do you wanna save them?

    we kill life when we're sick or wash our hands. not much different than an abortion. unless you think humans are somehow special.

    if you're past the 1st trimester, i think its basically murder by then unless the fetus is killing the mother.

    should any govt be able to make it illegal? fuck no, but we live in a time where a practically harmless plant is illegal.

    shouldnt have rights til its born making it a citizen,thus giving it "rights"
  15. To me,with masturbation the sperm never even comes near an egg so it's not the same thing.
    With abortion the egg and the sperm have already come together to form a zygote and implanted itself into the uterine wall to become an embryo. All of that didn't just happen by magic,a woman and a man CHOSE to have sex and this process started. I don't say ''it's a life'' because scientifically it isn't yet but to me it's morally wrong to start the process of life and then decide it's just convienent to end it because ''you're not ready''. What about adoption? There are plenty of better off families that are infertile that would love that child for all their lives and give him/her an amazing life. People say but it's the womans right to choose,she already had a choice,she chose between opening her legs or not and she chose to open them. Any abortion is wrong and unnecessary to me (unless the mother's life would without a doubt end by carrying the baby to term and even in that case a late term abortion should not happen)I would consider it actual murder after 18 weeks gestation because the baby has the ability to feel the abortionist ripping him/her apart limb by limb AND with today's technology if delivered at 18 weeks the baby would still have a small chance to make it outside of the womb.
  16. [quote name='"m00zix"']
    A fetus will not necessarily grow in to a baby, but I acknowledge your point. No one has yet to explain why potential translates into "life" or a fetus having rights, though :([/quote]

    this is true. its almost more about morality than defining i guess. i don't care either way, i would rather put a child up for adoption than convince my girl to get an abortion UNLESS it had potential to be damaging to her health during the delivery process.

    these are reasons why the federal government should have no say in this matter, imo
  17. Perhaps I seem a bit nihilistic, or maybe optimistic. What is one denying a embryo by performing an abortion? I wouldn't say life because it has yet to live.

    By position I mean I'm not a to be parent expecting a child when I can't even provide for myself. However considering one day I hope to be father, I would feel a great deal of affection towards this future child. After all it is the closest thing to me in the whole universe. Thus having an abortion would seem to sever the premonition of instinct in which I base my morals upon.
  18. Rape?
  19. Adoption is indeed an option. But so is abortion- one may go through with abortion for selfish reasons, but I would assert this is not murder nor should it be illegal (to a certain extent in development.) I guess I'm just disheartened to see self-ownership is not as sacred and respected as it should be. Do not judge another for holding different views than you. If they are not of the live and let live mentality then so be it, it should not be forced upon them.

    I would still like to understand how potential translates into inherent rights, however.
  20. I can only speak from my personal experience on this matter.
    When I was 16 I was raped and ended up pregnant. I'm not proud to say that I considered abortion but that ended up being when I realized I was completely pro-life. The baby in my belly didn't do anything to deserve to die,I was mad at the rapist not the child inside of me. When I saw the sonogram I saw his heartbeat (at 6 weeks along) and to me it was another human being,completely innocent with no knowledge of what his father had done. I couldn't get an abortion,it would have felt like I was robbing him of his chance at life. I can't understand how another person can kill a potential life in any circumstances,however I know my experience isn't going to be the same as another raped woman. If a victim of rape chose abortion I at least hope she would do it as early in the pregnancy as possible.

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